Automated teller machine (ATM) has changed the banking system for almost everyone, but it also invites security threats in form of personals for making nuisance with either genuine ATM users or ATM itself. In the pandemic scenario, when financial crunch is spanned around, more vigilance is required for ATMs. Though CCTV is available in almost all ATMs but manual monitoring of CCTV footage of ATM cabin is not sufficient to detect nuisance in real time. So there is a need for real time nuisance detector which could reduce nuisance activities inside ATM cabins. The detection of nuisance through generic camera is a challenging task due to multimodal nature of activities. For example interacting with ATM at your wish is a normal activity while somebody force you for ATM interaction in ATM cabin, is nuisance or abnormal activity. In this paper, a multimodal, computationally economical but efficient method is proposed for real time nuisance detection. In a CCTV stream, region wise local motions have been captured through motion projection matrix and local motion histograms to extract features. Further for classification, a tree bagger model has been used. Classification accuracy for proposed method on ATM dataset has been achieved as 94.87%. The proposed method is also analyzed on publicly available UTD-MHA and UR-Fall dataset. The classification accuracies are achieved as 83% and 95.52%respectively.

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Srivastava, A.K., Tripathi, V., Pant, B. et al. Automatic and multimodal nuisance activity detection inside ATM cabins in real time. Multimed Tools Appl 82, 5113–5132 (2023). https://doi.org/10.1007/s11042-022-12313-4
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s11042-022-12313-4