This paper mainly aims to identify the key factors that should be included in building of smart cities in a proper efficient way. Due to rapid increase in urban population, it should be responsible to provide a better way in building of a smart city. Smart city is an idea of providing urban development that includes social, financial, ecological parts of a society. A smart and sustainable city has goals to be achieved in an adaptable, reliable, scalable, accessible, and in resilient way which will be discussed in the methodology section. This paper mainly focuses on some important factors in improving sustainability of smart cities such as climate and environmental issues and governance authorities for improving quality of life of citizens. Also, this paper explains 3E’s which are environment, economy and equity are plays a crucial role in rapid development of smart cities. This research is focused on discussing various smart technologies recently used in India and the challenges involved in them. Recent literature on smart city development is reviewed, and the challenges that prevailed in recent technologies are analysed. This paper includes how Internet of Things (IoT), Connectivity, Cloud computing and AI etc., should be effectively used for developing a smart city. This paper deals with the requirements to build smart cities in India – regarding various aspects like available resources, lifestyle, transport management system, smart healthcare system, smart waste management, smart Sanitation, smart railways, smart agriculture, home automation, smart energy consumption etc. This paper also discusses ‘smart living,“smart infrastructure,“smart governance,“smart economy,’ and other various systems which are need for Smart India in particular. When adopted with proper planning, all the above catalysing with smart services and solutions, build a sustainable city.

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Murthy Nimmagadda, S., Harish, K.S. Review paper on technology adoption and sustainability in India towards smart cities. Multimed Tools Appl 81, 27217–27245 (2022). https://doi.org/10.1007/s11042-022-12885-1
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s11042-022-12885-1