Action recognition makes the interaction in human-robot collaboration (HRC) more natural and enhances the efficiency of work. The common action recognition models can neither handle the undefined beforehand transitional actions of operators in HRC nor quickly modify the action classes to be recognized according to the change of collaboration process. In this paper, an action recognition model for HRC assembly is proposed by fusing the outputs of multiple binary classification networks. Moreover, in order to meet both the action recognition speed and accuracy requirements in HRC applications, a spatio-temporal feature extraction network based on graph attention-gated recurrent unit network is designed for binary classification. The proposed model can identify the different operational actions from continuous skeletal data of the operator and distinguish between operational actions and transitional actions. Therefore, this model can reduce false action recognition and thus avoid the mistaken controls and the dangerous actions of robot serves HRC application better. Besides, due to the structure of fusion identification, this model is also well scalable and able to quickly adjust the action classes required to be recognized for HRC task with no need of retraining the entire recognition model. The case study of HRC personal computer assembly demonstrates that the proposed action recognition model achieves the accuracy of about 84% and the best effectiveness.

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This work was supported by the project from Shanghai Municipal Commission of Economy and Information (grant number 2021-GYHLW-01008).
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Nanyan Shen: conceptualization, writing - original draft, writing - review & editing, supervision, project administration. Zeyuan Feng: methodology, software, validation, formal analysis, investigation, data curation, writing - original draft, writing - review & editing, visualization. Jing Li: conceptualization, resources, supervision, project administration, funding acquisition. Hua You: software, data curation, investigation, methodology. Chenyu Xia: software, data curation, visualization.
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• Identifies actions from continuous skeletal data and distinguishes between operational actions and transitional actions.
• The proposed GAT-GRU network extracting spatio-temporal features from action achieves fast speed and good accuracy.
• Adjusting the action classes to be recognized does not require retraining the entire model.
• Avoids the dangerous and mistaken actions of robot caused by false recognition serves HRC application better.
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Shen, N., Feng, Z., Li, J. et al. Action fusion recognition model based on GAT-GRU binary classification networks for human-robot collaborative assembly. Multimed Tools Appl 82, 18867–18885 (2023). https://doi.org/10.1007/s11042-022-14123-0
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s11042-022-14123-0