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Research on human behavior recognition in video based on 3DCCA

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Multimedia Tools and Applications Aims and scope Submit manuscript


Human behavior is an important part of video content. Therefore, the effective recognition of human behavior in the video has attracted extensive attention. In order to solve the problem that the key features are not prominent and the accuracy rate is not high in the existing methods of human behavior recognition in video. This paper proposes a three-dimensional convolutional neural network fusing channel attention (3DCCA) model feature extraction method. Mean normalization is presented for the preprocessing of RGB video frames. The three-dimensional convolution (3DCNN) is presented for the spatiotemporal features extraction of the inputs clips. The channel attention(CA) is used to select features that are more critical for current behavior recognition from all features. Softmax classifiers to achieve in the Classification and Identification of the human behavior in video. The training results on UCF101 and HMDB51 public datasets show that the algorithm can make better use of the original information in the video, extract more effective features, correctly detect human behaviors and actions and show stronger recognition ability to the algorithm compared with other commonly used human behavior feature extraction and recognition methods.

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Fig. 1
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Fig. 10

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This research work was supported in part by the National Science Foundation of China under Grant 51668043, and Grant 61262016, in part by the CERNET Innovation Project under Grant NGII20160311, and Grant NGII20160112, and in part by the Gansu Science Foundation of China under Grant 18JR3RA156.

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Zhao, H., Liu, J. & Wang, W. Research on human behavior recognition in video based on 3DCCA. Multimed Tools Appl 82, 20251–20268 (2023).

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