The network buffer is a key factor affecting the communication efficiency of a multi-core embedded real-time system protocol stack. Therefore, it requires that the buffer structure should be simple, effective, stable and easy to manage. The buffer mBlk in the Vxworks system is a more complex buffer designed based on the buffer pool. Its advantage is that the data is shared by reference, so as to achieve “zero copy” and improve efficiency. However, the disadvantage is that its structure is too complicated and trouble to use. Therefore, according to the actual project requirements, this paper first improves its complex structure and designs a network buffer named sbuf. Secondly, according to the problem of insufficient use of the designed buffer management mechanism in multithreading, a network buffer allocation algorithm is designed to solve this problem. Finally, the designed network buffer is tested under different multi-core scheduling algorithms on litmus RT multi-core platform. The results show that the performance of the improved buffer has been significantly improved in three aspects: response time, preemption and execution time.

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This work was supported by the Special project of Shaanxi Provincial Department of Education under grant No.17JK0388. This work was supported by the General Project of Key Research and Development Plan of Shaanxi Province, China (No.2022GY-119).
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Conceptualization: Pingping Liu; Methodology: Jiaxing Lu; Formal analysis and investigation: Pingping Liu; Writing - original draft preparation: Pingping Liu, Jiaxing Lu; Writing - review and editing: Ping Lu; Funding acquisition: Jianguo Wang; Resources: Ping Lu; Supervision: Shujuan Huang.
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Liu, P., Lu, J., Huang, S. et al. Real-time performance analysis of network buffer under multi-core scheduling platform. Multimed Tools Appl 82, 34653–34677 (2023). https://doi.org/10.1007/s11042-023-14820-4
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s11042-023-14820-4