The previous studies have demonstrated that the use of deep learning algorithms can make personality prediction based on two-dimensional image information, and the emergence of video provides more possibilities for exploring personality prediction. Compared to image-based personality prediction, using video can provide more information than static images. But videos contain hundreds of frames, not all of which are useful, and processing these images requires a lot of computation. This paper proposes to apply video analysis algorithms to the task of personality prediction and propose the use of LSTM to fuse image feature information. The best prediction effect is confirmed by experiments when the fusion frame number is 16 frames. This paper is based on 3D-ConvNet to build an end-to-end video analysis network and solve the network over fitting problem by pre-training and data augmentation. Experiments show that the accuracy of character prediction can be improved by using 3D-ConvNet to fuse the spatio-temporal information of videos.

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Our research involves personal personality and face images and videos. In order to protect personal privacy, we signed a confidentiality agreement with the subjects before the evaluation to ensure that their data are not disclosed and only used for scientific research experiments. So,the PCCS (Chinese college students) representative personality dataset generated during and/or analysed during the current study are not publicly available.
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This work was funded by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (61402371), the Shaanxi Provincial Science and Technology Innovation Project Plan(2013SZS15-K02), and the Shaanxi Provincial Key Scientific Research Project (2020zdlgy04-09).
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Xu, J., Tian, W., Lv, G. et al. Spatiotemporal fusion personality prediction based on visual information. Multimed Tools Appl 82, 44227–44244 (2023). https://doi.org/10.1007/s11042-023-15537-0
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s11042-023-15537-0