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ESDAR-net: towards high-accuracy and real-time driver action recognition for embedded systems

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Existing driver action recognition approaches suffer from a bottleneck problem which is the trade-off between recognition accuracy and computational efficiency. More specifically, the high-capacity spatial-temporal deep learning model is unable to realize real-time driver action recognition on vehicle-mounted device. To overcome such limitation, this paper puts forward a novel driver action recognition solution suitable for embedded systems. The proposed ESDAR-Net is a multi-branch deep learning framework and directly processes compressed videos. To reduce the computational cost, a lightweight 2D/3D convolutional network is employed for spatial-temporal modeling. Moreover, two strategies are implemented to boost the accuracy performance: (1) cross-layer connection module (CLCM) and spatial-temporal trilinear pooling module (STTPM) are designed to adaptively fuse appearance and motion information; (2) complementary knowledge from the high-capacity spatial-temporal deep learning model is distilled and transferred to the proposed ESDAR-Net. Experimental results show that the proposed ESDAR-Net satisfies both high-accuracy and real-time for driver action recognition. The accuracy on SEU-DAR-V1, SEU-DAR-V2 reaches 98.7%, 96.5%, with learnable parameters of 2.19M, FLOPs of 0.253G, and speed of 27 clips/s on JETSON TX2.

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The authors would like to thank the editor and the anonymous reviewers for their valuable comments and constructive suggestions. This work was supported in part by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 62203012, No. 61871123 and No. 61901221), the Open Research Fund of AnHui Key Laboratory of Detection Technology and Energy Saving Devices (No. JCKJ2022A07), Anhui Polytechnic University of Technology Introduced Talent Research Startup Fund (No. 2022YQQ009) and the Youth Foundation of Anhui Polytechnic University (No. Xjky2022039).


The authors would like to thank the editor and the anonymous reviewers for their valuable comments and constructive suggestions. This work was supported in part by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 62203012, No. 61871123 and No. 61901221), the Open Research Fund of AnHui Key Laboratory of Detection Technology and Energy Saving Devices (No. JCKJ2022A07), Anhui Polytechnic University of Technology Introduced Talent Research Startup Fund (No. 2022YQQ009) , the Youth Foundation of Anhui Polytechnic University (No. Xjky2022039), Anhui Province Higher Education Quality Engineering Project (No. 2022jyxm139 and No. 2022kcsz027), Anhui University Collaborative Innovation Project (No. GXXT-2020-0069) and Anhui Natural Science Foundation Project (2108085MF220).

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Hu, Y., Shuai, Z., Yang, H. et al. ESDAR-net: towards high-accuracy and real-time driver action recognition for embedded systems. Multimed Tools Appl 83, 18281–18307 (2024).

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