Video-based pedestrian re-identification (ReID) is able to match the same pedestrian from various cameras in a complex real-world scene. The extracted representations can’t contain all the useful information about the persons, due to the occlusion and misalignment of human areas between video sequences, and thus lack integrity and discrimination. To resolve this issue, we propose a new Spatial-Temporal Aware Network, which can mine and complement person features with feature relationships and intra-frame cues. According to the high correlation of the feature nodes of the same person between different video sequences, we employ the learned pedestrian feature nodes to construct the temporal relationship graph. In detail, the Temporal Interaction Module is designed to locate relevant pedestrian regions by modeling the correlation of feature nodes with reference nodes; and the Temporal Attention Module that we have designed is used to select more specific reference nodes. Then, we apply the designed Spatial Reference Module to adaptively mine each frame for fine-grained cues, making the spatial-temporal characteristics of persons more discriminative. We have implemented numerous experiments to demonstrate the excellent performance of STAN, such as achieving 88.0\(\%\) mAP and 89.5\(\%\) Rank-1 accuracy on the MARS dataset.

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All authors contributed to the study conception and design. Material preparation, data collection and analysis were performed by Jun Wang, Qi Zhao, Di Jia , Yonghua Zhang and Miaohui Zhang. The first draft of the manuscript was written by Xing Ren and all authors commented on previous versions of the manuscript. All authors read and approved the final manuscript.
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Wang, J., Zhao, Q., Jia, D. et al. Spatial-temporal aware network for video-based person re-identification. Multimed Tools Appl 83, 36355–36373 (2024). https://doi.org/10.1007/s11042-023-16911-8
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s11042-023-16911-8