Breast cancer is one of the most frequent malignancies in women and accounts for a disproportionate number of new cancer cases and deaths worldwide. Doctors explored many options to predict and diagnose breast cancer in the early stages, while resulting early identification improves prognosis and survival. Recently, machine learning approaches are widely used in breast cancer pattern categorization and forecast modelling to identify important attributes of disease. To automatically predict whether breast cancer cells would be malignant or benign, this research proposes an enhanced version of the XGBoost ensembling algorithm called I-XGBoost. To improve identification accuracy, the suggested study considers three crucial phases: data pre-treatment, feature extraction, and target role. The performances are conducted using a standard dataset for Wisconsin Breast Cancer Diagnostics. Furthermore, it is compared to different classification techniques in terms of precision, recall, f1-score and accuracy, including Support Vector Machine (SVM), Logistic Regression (LR), K-Nearest Neighbours (KNN), Naive Bayes (NB), Decision Tree (DT), Random Forest (RF), AdaBoost, and XGBoost. At the end of the day, it observed that I-XGBoost achieves an impressively high accuracy score of 98.24%, while the Logistic Regression classifier reaches an accuracy score of 97%, which is maximized up to +1.24% from state of the art.

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Varshali Jaiswal: Methodology; Writing original draft.
Preetam Suman: Literature Review; Editing; Reviewing the Manuscript.
Dhananjay Bisen: Reviewing the Manuscript & final drafting.
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Jaiswal, V., Suman, P. & Bisen, D. An improved ensembling techniques for prediction of breast cancer tissues. Multimed Tools Appl 83, 31975–32000 (2024). https://doi.org/10.1007/s11042-023-16949-8
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s11042-023-16949-8