Rapid advancements in innovation, the Internet of Things (IoT), and edge computing have provided room for companies, government agencies, well-being administrations, and organizations to offer their kind of assistance through the cloud. Operating these cloud administrations requires monetary and computational assets to acquire and protect information from vindictive elements and to handle the multitude of information these administrations generate through nervous and IoT gadgets. Scalability, system availability, network transmission, and load relocation are some of the issues with the parallel file system. In the literature, few works are reviewed for obtaining load balancing but it does not consider the secure authentication phase in fog computing. Secure authentication and load balancing are critical challenges in a fog computing environment. In this paper, we develop Adaptive Load Balancing and Secure Authentication (ALBSA) for managing load balancing schemes and secure authentication schemes in fog computing. Normally, the Edge Data Centres (EDC) are utilized to set up as a distributed system and it is located among the data source and cloud datacentre. So, the proposed ALBSA is utilized to enable efficient authentication and workload management (load balancing). The proposed method is a combination of Blockchain technology and the Pelican Optimization Algorithm (POA). Based on resource utilization and response time, efficient load balancing is achieved. Additionally, this paper develops a blockchain-based authentication system that utilizes the characteristics and advantages of blockchain and smart contracts to authenticate users securely. The implemented system uses the email address, username, Ethereum address, password, and data from a biometric reader to register and authenticate users. The proposed methodology is implemented and evaluated based on performance metrics. To justify the efficiency of the proposed technique, it is contrasted with the traditional techniques. The proposed method is achieved, Encryption time is 4.2ms, the waiting time is 0.28ms and the decryption time is 10.21ms.

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Premkumar, N., Santhosh, R. Pelican optimization algorithm with blockchain for secure load balancing in fog computing. Multimed Tools Appl 83, 53417–53439 (2024). https://doi.org/10.1007/s11042-023-17632-8
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s11042-023-17632-8