The performance for communication in a real-time mobile communication system is contingent upon the distribution of spectrum among the devices and the best antenna selection, which is determined by the Direction of Arrival and the power spectrum of the antenna characteristics. The prediction and directivity of signal spectrum level based on antenna parameters were the primary areas of research attention. Generally speaking, a number of techniques anticipate the antenna spectrum level by comparing the parameters of the channel capacity and the device communication signal strength. The best selection model for the communication antenna parameter's spectrum range was used to process this. In this case, improving mobile communication performance for the entire system is thought to be the primary goal of the study. To analyze the effectiveness of antenna optimization and its performance, this has been done by testing the beamforming method's parameter under a variety of scenarios. The Boundary Assisted Antenna Selection (BAAS) technique was employed in this to minimize the number of iterations required for feature learning and antenna selection. In order to create an improved beamforming model for parallel antenna parameter estimation, this was processed through the hybridization of multi-objective optimization. Using the combination of Beamforming with BAAS based antenna selection approach, which chooses the optimal feature attribute of the antenna power spectrum with Direction of Arrival (DOA), this can further accelerate performance. Metrics like the quantity of allocated spectrum, power factor, throughput, spectrum range of capacity, and other relevant factors can be used to validate the effectiveness of the suggested strategy. The results show that the proposed work achieved approximately 7.27% of Spectral efficiency (bps), Signal Power (dB) and Interference (dB).

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The data that is referred for the simulation work is available in paper [29] which is to be design based on the dimensions and other related parameters. All the network related design and architecture parameters are referred from the existing paper.
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Bansal, D., Gupta, S.H. & Kaur, H. Multiuser beamforming and transmission based on BAAS and signal prediction using channel allocation. Multimed Tools Appl 83, 86869–86882 (2024). https://doi.org/10.1007/s11042-024-19710-x
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s11042-024-19710-x