Based on the sum and difference coarrays, multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) radar with minimum redundancy (MR) concept, referred to as MR MIMO, can considerably increase the spatial degrees of freedom (DOFs). However, traditional MR MIMO needs computational search to determine the position of each element. In this paper, a modified MR monostatic MIMO configuration is proposed, referred to as MMRM MIMO. In the proposed system, the MMRM MIMO radar is consisted of several levels of uniform linear array, which brings the advantage that the position of each element can be determined without computational search. Furthermore, it offers more than \(N^{2}\) DOFs for an N-elemental array. In order to utilize the extended DOFs of MMRM MIMO radar for direction-of-arrival (DOA) estimation, an average Toeplitz approximation method (TAM) is employed, which achieves robust performance even under low signal-to-noise ratio, few snapshots and array error. Numerous simulation results are provided to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed method for DOA estimation.

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This study has been supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China under contract No. 61271292 and No. 61431016 and the Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities.
Appendix 1
Proof of Corollary 1
From (15), the last sensor location in MMRA is
where \(N_{\mathrm{A}} =N_1 +N_2 \) is fixed.
(i) \(N_{\mathrm{A}} =N_1 +N_2 \) is even:
If \(N_1 =N_2 \), the last sensor location in MMRA with \(N_{\mathrm{A}} \) being even is
Hold \(N_{\mathrm{A}} \) invariant, then change the number of sensors in first level and second level of Part I as \({N}'_{E,1} =N_1 -n\) and \({N}'_{E,2} =N_1 +n\) respectively, where \(0<n<N_1 \). Then (26) can be rewritten as
Similarly hold \(N_{\mathrm{A}} \) invariant, then change the number of sensors in first level and second level of Part I as \({N}''_{E,1} =N_1 +n\) and \({N}''_{E,2} =N_1 -n\) respectively, where \(0<n<N_1 \), then it can be obtained that
In conclusion, if \(N_{\mathrm{A}} =N_1 +N_2 \) is even, the MMRA will extend the maximum degree of freedom when \(N_1 =N_2 \).
(ii) \(N_{\mathrm{A}} =N_1 +N_2 \) is odd:
If \(N_2 =N_1 +1\), the last sensor location in MMRA with \(N_{\mathrm{A}}\) being odd is
Hold \(N_{\mathrm{A}} \) invariant, then change the number of sensors in first level and second level of Part I as \({N}'_{O,1} =N_1 -n\) and \({N}'_{O,2} =N_1 +1+n\) respectively, where \(0<n<N_1 \), then (24) can be rewritten as
Similarly hold \(N_{\mathrm{A}} \) invariant, then change the number of sensors in first level and second level of Part I as \({N}''_{O,1} =N_1 +n\) and \({N}''_{O,2} =N_1 +1-n\) respectively, where \(0<n<N_1 +1\), then it is obvious that
Therefore if \(N_{\mathrm{A}} =N_1 +N_2 \) is odd, the MMRA will enhance the maximum degree of freedom when \(N_2 =N_1 +1\). \(\square \)
Appendix 2
Proof of Corollary 2
According to Corollary 1, if \(N_{\mathrm{A}} =N_1 +N_2 \) is even, the MMRA can extend the most DOFs when \(N_1 =N_2 \). Assume that\(N_{\mathrm{A}}\) is even and the number of sensors in each level of Part I is \(N_1 \), then the number of sensors in Part II is
Insert (31) into (25), then the last sensor location in MMRA is
Based on Corollary 1, if the number of sensors in Part I is \(N_{\mathrm{A}} +1\) and \(N_1 \) is fixed, then \({N}'_2 =N_1 +1\). So keep N fixed and the number of sensors in Part II is
Insert (33) into (28), then the last sensor location in MMRA is
Then the difference between (36) and (34) is
Insert the known condition into (35), which leads to
Next, if the number of sensors in Part I is \(N_{\mathrm{A}} +2\) and \({N}'_2 \) is fixed, then \({N}''_1 =N_1 +1\). Hence N is fixed and the number of sensors in Part II is
Insert (37) into (25), the last sensor location in MMRA is
Then the difference between (38) and (34) is
Insert the known condition into (39), which can be rewritten as
As observed in Sect. 3, the more \(N_1 \) is, the longer spacing between sensors in Part II is. Compared (36) to (40), we can obtain the conclusion: if \(N=3N_1 -1\) or \(3N_1 \), then \(N_{\mathrm{A}} =2N_1 \) and \(N_3 =N_1 -1\) or \(N_1 \); if \(N=3N_1 +1\), then \(N_{\mathrm{A}} =2N_1 +1\) and \(N_3 =N_1 \). \(\square \)
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Huang, Y., Liao, G., Li, J. et al. Sum and difference coarray based MIMO radar array optimization with its application for DOA estimation. Multidim Syst Sign Process 28, 1183–1202 (2017). https://doi.org/10.1007/s11045-016-0387-2
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s11045-016-0387-2