Many recent studies have proposed methods for the classification of dynamic textures (DT). A method involving local binary patterns on three orthogonal planes (LBP-TOP) has shown promising results and generated considerable interest. However, LBP-TOP and most of its variants suffer from drawbacks caused by the accumulation process in the TOP technique. This process uses features from all frames in the DT sequence, including irrelevant frames, and thus disregards the distinct characteristics of each frame. To overcome this problem, we propose a codebook-based DT descriptor that aggregates salient features on three orthogonal planes. Given a DT sequence, only those frame features that are highly correlated with each cluster are selected and aggregated from the perspective of visual words. The proposed DT descriptor removes the feature from outlier frames that suddenly or rarely appear in a particular context, thus enhancing the emphasis of the salient features. Experimental results using public DT and dynamic scene datasets demonstrate the superiority of the proposed method over comparative approaches. The proposed method also yields outstanding results compared to the state-of-the-art DT representation.

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This work was supported by the ICT R&D program of MSIP/IITP. [14-811-12-002, Development of personalized and creative learning tutoring system based on participational interactive contents and collaborative learning technology] The contents of this paper are the results of the research project of the Ministry of Oceans and Fisheries of Korea (A fundamental research on maritime accident prevention—phase 2).
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Hong, S., Ryu, J. & Yang, H.S. Not all frames are equal: aggregating salient features for dynamic texture classification. Multidim Syst Sign Process 29, 279–298 (2018). https://doi.org/10.1007/s11045-016-0463-7
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s11045-016-0463-7