Compared with single-modal content, multimodal content conveys user’s sentiments and feelings more vividly. Thus, multimodal sentiment analysis has become a research hotspot. Due to the flawed data-hungry of deep learning-based methods, transfer learning is extensively utilized. However, most transfer learning-based approaches transfer the model pre-trained on source domain to target domain by simply considering it as feature extractor (i.e., parameters are frozen) or applying global fine-tuning strategy (i.e., parameters are trainable) on it. This results in the loss of advantages of both source and target domains. In this paper, we propose a novel Context Guided Adaptive Fine-tuning Transformer (CGAFT) that investigates the strengths of both source and target domains adaptively to achieve image–text sentiment analysis. In CGAFT, a Context Guided Policy Network is first introduced to make optimal weights for each image–text instance. These weights indicate how much image sentiment information is necessary to be absorbed from each layer of the image model pre-trained on source domain and the parallel model fine-tuned on target domain. Then, image–text instance and its weights are fed into Sentiment Analysis Network to extract contextual image sentiment representations that are absorbed from both source and target domains to enhance the performance of image–text sentiment analysis. Besides, we observe that no publicly available image–text dataset is in Chinese. To fill this gap, we build an image–Chinese text dataset Flickr-ICT that contains 13,874 image–Chinese text pairs. The experiments conducted on three image–text datasets demonstrate that CGAFT outperforms strong baselines.

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This work is supported in part by National Natural Science Foundation of China under Grants 61163019, 61271361, 61761046, U1802271, 61662087 and 62061049; Yunnan Science and Technology Department Project under Grant 2014FA021 and 2018FB100; Key Program of the Applied Basic Research Programs of Yunnan under Grant 202001BB050043 and 2019FA044; Major Special Science and Technology of Yunnan under Grant 202002AD080001; Reserve Talents for Yunnan Young and Middle-aged Academic and Technical Leaders under Grant 2019HB121.
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Xiao, X., Pu, Y., Zhao, Z. et al. Image–Text Sentiment Analysis Via Context Guided Adaptive Fine-Tuning Transformer. Neural Process Lett 55, 2103–2125 (2023). https://doi.org/10.1007/s11063-022-11124-w
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s11063-022-11124-w