We present a shifted skew-symmetric iteration method for solving the nonsymmetric positive definite or positive semidefinite linear complementarity problems. This method is based on the symmetric and skew-symmetric splitting of the system matrix, which has been adopted to establish efficient splitting iteration methods for solving the nonsymmetric systems of linear equations. Global convergence of the method is proved, and the corresponding inexact splitting iteration scheme is established and analyzed in detail. Numerical results show that the new methods are feasible and effective for solving large sparse and nonsymmetric linear complementarity problems.
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The research of this author is supported by The Doctoral Starting-Up Research Foundation (No. X0006014200801) and The Basic Research Foundation of College of Applied Sciences (No. 97006014200702), Beijing University of Technology, P.R. China.
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Dong, JL. Shifted skew-symmetric iteration methods for nonsymmetric linear complementarity problems. Numer Algor 54, 343–357 (2010). https://doi.org/10.1007/s11075-009-9338-4
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s11075-009-9338-4
- Linear complementarity problem
- Symmetric and skew-symmetric splitting
- Splitting iteration method
- Inexact splitting iteration
- Nonsymmetric and positive-definite matrix