In this paper, a novel numerical method is proposed to solve specific third order ODE on semi-infinite interval. These kinds of problems often occur in laminar boundary layer with temperature dependent viscosity. Runge-Kutta method incorporating with optimization techniques is used to solve the problem. First, the semi-infinite interval is transformed into a finite interval. Second, by converting the boundary value problem, with some initial and distributed unknowns, into an optimization problem, solving the original problem is limited to solving a multiobjective optimization problem. Third, we use shooting-Newton’s method for solving this optimization problem. It is shown that the Falkner-Skan problem with constant surface temperature, that arise during the solution for the laminar forced convection heat transfer from wedges to flow, can be solved accurately and simultaneously by this strategy. Numerical results for different values of wedge angle and Prandtl number are presented, which are in good agreement with some of the successful provided solutions in the literature.
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Naseri, R., Malek, A. Optimization technique in solving laminar boundary layer problems with temperature dependent viscosity. Numer Algor 66, 663–678 (2014). https://doi.org/10.1007/s11075-013-9753-4
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s11075-013-9753-4