This paper is devoted to investigating the optimal convergence order of a weak Galerkin finite element approximation to a second-order parabolic equation whose solution has lower regularity. In many applications, the solution of a second-order parabolic equation has only \(\varvec{H}^{\varvec{1+s}}\) smoothness with \(\varvec{0<s<1}\), and the numerical experiments show that the weak Galerkin approximate solution exhibits an optimal convergence order of \(\varvec{1+s}\). However, the standard numerical analysis for weak Galerkin finite element method always requires that the exact solution should have at least \(\varvec{H}^{\varvec{2}}\) smoothness. Our work fills the gap in the error analysis of weak Galerkin finite element method under lower regularity condition, where we prove the convergence order is of \(\varvec{1+s}\). The main strategy of analysis is to introduce an \(\varvec{H}^{\varvec{2}}\)-regular finite element approximation to discretize the spatial variables in variational equation, and then we analyze the error between this semi-discretized solution and the full discretized weak Galerkin solution. Finally, we present some numerical experiments to validate the theoretical analysis.
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Y. Zou and S. Chai developed the idea for the study; X. Liu conducted the analyses and wrote the initial draft of the paper; all authors discussed the results and revised the manuscript.
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Liu, X., Zou, Y., Chai, S. et al. Optimal convergence analysis of weak Galerkin finite element methods for parabolic equations with lower regularity. Numer Algor 97, 1323–1339 (2024). https://doi.org/10.1007/s11075-024-01751-w
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s11075-024-01751-w
- Weak Galerkin finite element method
- Weak gradient operator
- Lower regularity
- Second-order parabolic equation
- Optimal order error estimate