The metro-embedded datacenter (ME-DC) architecture which is based on micro-DCs (mDC) is introduced and implemented to deliver more flexible services with less access latency. Hierarchical SDN control is employed to adaptively interconnect the distributed mDCs and the metro network slices into re-configurable virtual DC (VDC). Such an approach improves the overall resource mobility, especially for traveling users that need to dynamically access the service. In this paper, the VDC re-configuration and pre-configuration mechanisms for dynamic user access are proposed and demonstrated for the first time. In specific, by re-configuring the VDC with the most accessible resources with user location tracking, fast and flexible service is provided with consistent service access. Furthermore, by pre-configuring the VDC with user prediction, mDC and metro network resources are reserved in advance for users in order to provide seamless service. Demonstration based on the implemented ME-DC prototype shows that VDC is adaptively constructed for dynamic user access with fast and flexible service provisioning.
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Cao, X., Chen, G., Popescu, I. et al. Adaptive DC interconnection provisioning in distributed all-optical micro-datacenters using holistically SDN orchestration for dynamic access. Photon Netw Commun 35, 129–140 (2018). https://doi.org/10.1007/s11107-017-0735-7
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s11107-017-0735-7