Interconnection between our existing optical packet and circuit integrated network (OPCInet) and an ecosystem for network service provisioning named ChoiceNet enables network service providers to provide diverse services and realize control driven by the providers. In this paper, we design and implement control interfaces for the interconnection, which enables each ChoiceNet provider to explicitly control both OPCInet- and OpenFlow-based networks by use of a single common interface with proprietary/easily modifiable message formats for all control functions. We construct an experimental setup between the USA and Japan, and demonstrate that the OPCInet and an OpenFlow-based network placed in Japan are successfully controlled by request from the ChoiceNet provider installed in the USA. We also show that the time required to complete Telnet access to the OPCInet C-plane for each control is no more than 150 ms over the long distance from the USA to Japan.
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This work is partly supported by NICT (Japan) and NSF (USA) under the Japan-US Network Opportunity (JUNO) program, Grant Number CNS-1402053 (NSF). The authors would like to thank Mr. Ryo Mikami, Mr. Wei Ping Ren, and Dr. Sugang Xu at NICT for their technical supports on this work.
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Miyazawa, T., Harai, H., Udechukwu, R. et al. Designing and experimentally demonstrating automatic OPS/OCS/OpenFlow network control driven by ChoiceNet provider. Photon Netw Commun 36, 43–55 (2018). https://doi.org/10.1007/s11107-018-0769-5
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s11107-018-0769-5