A novel quantum deniable authentication protocol based on single photons is proposed. In this scheme, the message sender and the specified receiver will first agree a new shared secret key by key update phases with the help of a third center, where only they can encrypt and decrypt the message by using the new shared secret key. Hence, this scheme can guarantee that only the specified receiver can identify the true source of a given message and the specified receiver cannot prove the source of the message to a third party by a transcript simulation algorithm. Compared with our previous scheme (Shi et al. in Quantum Inf Process 13:1501–1510, 2014), this scheme has the remarkable advantages of the higher qubit efficiency and consuming fewer quantum resources. Finally, security analysis results show that this scheme satisfies known key security and the basic security requirements of deniable authentication protocol such as completeness and deniability, and can withstand forgery attack, impersonation attack and inter-resend attack.
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This work is supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos. 61170270, 61170221, 61272044); Beijing Natural Science Foundation(Grant Nos. 4122008.1102004); The Scientific Research Common Program of Beijing Municipal Commission of Education (Grant Nos. KM201510005004).
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Appendix: Eavesdropping check
Appendix: Eavesdropping check
When Bob receives the new quantum string \(|G_A^{{(1)}{\prime }}\rangle \), he informs Alice of the fact.
After hearing from Bob, Alice first publishes the positions and the measuring bases (MBs) of the sampling particles.
Bob measures the sampling particles in the received sequence in the same MBs and then publishes his measurement results.
Alice can check eavesdropping by comparing Bob’s measurement results with the initial states of the sampling particles. If the error rate is lower than a predetermined small value \(\varepsilon _1 \), Alice confirms that no eavesdropper exists and announces this fact. Otherwise, they abort the communication.
Bob deletes the sampling particles from \(|G_A^{{(1)}{\prime }}\rangle \), and gets \(|G_A^{(1)} \rangle \).
The procedure for the eavesdropping check between the Bob and Alice on \(|G_B^{{(1)}{\prime }}\rangle \) is the same as the mentioned above. Finally, Alice gets \(|G_B^{(1)} \rangle \).
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Shi, WM., Zhang, JB., Zhou, YH. et al. A novel quantum deniable authentication protocol without entanglement. Quantum Inf Process 14, 2183–2193 (2015). https://doi.org/10.1007/s11128-015-0994-0
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s11128-015-0994-0