We present a new scheme on implementing the passive quantum key distribution with thermal distributed parametric down-conversion source. In this scheme, only one-intensity decoy state is employed, but we can achieve very precise estimation on the single-photon-pulse contribution by utilizing those built-in decoy states. Moreover, we compare the new scheme with other practical methods, i.e., the standard three-intensity decoy-state BB84 protocol using either weak coherent states or parametric down-conversion source. Through numerical simulations, we demonstrate that our new scheme can drastically improve both the secure transmission distance and the key generation rate.

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We gratefully acknowledge the financial support from the National Natural Science Foundation of China through Grants Nos. 11274178, 61475197, and 61590932, the Natural Science Foundation of the Jiangsu Higher Education Institutions through Grant No. 15KJA120002, the Outstanding Youth Project of Jiangsu Province through Grant No. BK20150039, and the Priority Academic Program Development of Jiangsu Higher Education Institutions through Grant No. YX002001.
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Wei, J., Zhang, CH. & Wang, Q. New passive decoy-state quantum key distribution with thermal distributed parametric down-conversion source. Quantum Inf Process 16, 50 (2017). https://doi.org/10.1007/s11128-016-1510-x
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s11128-016-1510-x