We investigate the solvability of multi-level extensions of the Allen–Eberly model and the population transfer yielded by the corresponding dynamical evolution. We demonstrate that, under a matching condition of the frequency, the driven two-level system and its multi-level extensions possess a stationary-state solution in a canonical representation associated with a unitary transformation. As a consequence, we show that the resulting protocol is able to realize complete population transfer in a nonadiabatic manner. Moreover, we explore the imperfect pulsing process with truncation and display that the nonadiabatic effect in the evolution can lead to suppression to the cutoff error of the protocol.

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Li, W., Cen, LX. Coherent population transfer in multi-level Allen–Eberly models. Quantum Inf Process 17, 97 (2018). https://doi.org/10.1007/s11128-018-1869-y
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s11128-018-1869-y