We study the dynamics of the three-qubit system interacting with multi-mode without rotating wave approximation (RWA). A physical realization of the system without direct qubits interactions with dephasing bath is proposed. It is shown that non-Markovian characters of the purity of the three qubits and the coupling strength of modes are stronger enough the RWA is no longer valid. The influences of the dephasing of qubits and interactions of modes on the dynamics of genuine multipartite entanglement and bipartite correlations of qubits are investigated. The multipartite and bipartite quantum correlations could be generated faster if we increase the coupling strength of modes and the RWA is not valid when the coupling strength is strong enough. The unitary transformations approach adopted here can be extended to other systems such as circuit or cavity quantum electrodynamic systems in the strong coupling regime.

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The initial state of the whole system is given in Eq. (13). In the new picture defined by \(U_j\), the initial state of the whole system is
The initial state of three qubits in the interaction picture defined by Eq. (11) is \(\rho ''_{j,ABC}(0) = Tr_{abc}[|\psi _j''(0)\rangle \langle \psi _j''(0)]\). The density matrix of the qubits is given by Eq. (15) with
Here, \(|A^{(\mu )}_{j,a}, \varepsilon _{j,a}\rangle = S(\varepsilon _{j,a})D(A^{(\mu )}_{j,a}) |0\rangle \), \(|A^{(\mu )}_{j,b}, \varepsilon _{j,b}\rangle = S(\varepsilon _{j,b})D(A^{(\mu )}_{j,b}) |0\rangle \), and \(|A^{(\mu )}_{j,c}, \varepsilon _{j,c}\rangle = S(\varepsilon _{j,c})D(A^{(\mu )}_{j,c}) |0\rangle \) are the squeezed coherent states of modes a, b, and c, respectively. \(D(\alpha ) = e^{\alpha a^{\dag } - \alpha ^* a}\) and \(S(\varepsilon ) = e^{\frac{1}{2}(\varepsilon a^{\dag 2} - \varepsilon ^* a)}\) are the displacement and squeezed operators of modes.
The phase factors of \(f_{j,\mu \nu }(t)\) are as follows:
where Im(c) is the imaginary part of complex number c.
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Zhang, JS., Zhang, LJ., Chen, AX. et al. Analytical solution and applications of three qubits in three coupled modes without rotating wave approximation. Quantum Inf Process 17, 125 (2018). https://doi.org/10.1007/s11128-018-1891-0
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s11128-018-1891-0