Using the five-qubit cluster state in a given entanglement structure as quantum channel, and employing some local operations and classical communication, a tripartite scheme for sharing a single-qubit operation on a remote target state is proposed. It has some obvious advantages; for example, the probability of success is 100%, i.e., it is deterministic, rather than probabilistic; the operation to be shared is arbitrary, other than restricted; the quantum and classical resource consumptions are relative economic, and the difficulty and intensity of the necessary operations are relatively low and small, while the intrinsic efficiency is higher than most existing QOS schemes, and so on. The underlying physical essence why the cluster state in the entanglement structure can be used to fulfill the task is revealed via deep studies. Besides, some concise discussions about the security are made and the experimental feasibility of the present theoretical scheme is analyzed.

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This work is supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (NNSFC) under Grant Nos. 12075205 and 61701002, the Key Project of the Domestic Visiting and Studying for Outstanding Youth Cadre Teacher in Colleges and Universities of Anhui Province (Grant No. gxfxZD2016193), and the Project for Natural Science of West Anhui University (Grant Nos. WXZR1507 and 2008LW003).
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Zhang, Z., Yuan, H. Deterministic tripartite sharing of an arbitrary single-qubit operation with the five-qubit cluster state in a given entanglement structure. Quantum Inf Process 20, 3 (2021). https://doi.org/10.1007/s11128-020-02893-1
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s11128-020-02893-1