The correlation signals generated by pairs of entangled qubits in CHSH scenarios are studied using the multi-resolution analysis (MRA). When a classical version of the MRA is applied, the correlation functions of the partially synthesized signals do not violate the CHSH inequality until the signals have been fully reconstructed. Later, we apply a variant of the MRA, inserting the detail signals in inverse order. Surprisingly, what we obtain is that the partially synthesized signals violate the CHSH inequality after the second insertion, thus revealing a nonlocal component even long before the synthesis is complete. This results in signals that are up to \(25\%\) shorter than the original ones but conserving their entangled and nonlocal character.

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J. M. M. M. thanks Ricardo Alberto Guirado López and Amaury de Jesús Pozos Guillén for the support provided to carry out this project.
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Méndez Martínez, J.M., Murguía, J.S. Synthesis and compression of correlation signals generated by pairs of qubits in CHSH scenarios. Quantum Inf Process 20, 208 (2021). https://doi.org/10.1007/s11128-021-03147-4
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s11128-021-03147-4