In this paper, we use the CSS and Steane’s constructions to establish quantum error-correcting codes (briefly, QEC codes) from cyclic codes of length \(3p^s\) over \(\mathbb F_{p^m}\). We obtain several new classes of QEC codes in the sense that their parameters are different from all the previous constructions. Among them, we identify all quantum MDS (briefly, qMDS) codes, i.e., optimal quantum codes with respect to the quantum Singleton bound. In addition, we construct quantum synchronizable codes (briefly, QSCs) from cyclic codes of length \(3p^s\) over \(\mathbb F_{p^m}\). Furthermore, we give many new QSCs to enrich the variety of available QSCs. A lot of them are QSCs codes with shorter lengths and much larger minimum distances than known non-primitive narrow-sense BCH codes.
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H.Q. Dinh and W. Yamaka are grateful to the Centre of Excellence in Econometrics, Faculty of Economics, Chiang Mai University, for partial financial support.
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Dinh, H.Q., Nguyen, B.T., Paravee, M. et al. Optimal constructions of quantum and synchronizable codes from repeated-root cyclic codes of length \(3p^s\). Quantum Inf Process 22, 257 (2023). https://doi.org/10.1007/s11128-023-03958-7
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s11128-023-03958-7