Internet of vehicles (IoV) technology connects various types of vehicles through the Internet of Things to achieve mutual communication and data sharing, thereby promoting the development of intelligent transportation systems. Present data sharing in IoV mainly relies on complicated centralized certificate management and modern public-key cryptosystems, which are insecure and inefficient because the rapid development of quantum computing has put the security of modern public-key cryptosystems under serious threat. Considering the potential quantum adversaries, this paper proposes a quantum blockchain-based data sharing scheme called quantum blockchain for IoV (QBIoV) to realize secure and efficient data sharing in IoV. Specifically, QBIoV discards vulnerable modern cryptographic components, such as classical hash functions, public key signatures, and voting protocols, and innovatively introduces quantum replacement items, such as a quantum hash function (QHF), a quantum public key signature, and a quantum binary voting (QBV) protocol, to eliminate potential quantum cyberspace attack hazards. Furthermore, QBIoV improves the conventional proof of authority (PoA) consensus algorithm and introduces a more secure and fair consensus mechanism called quantum proof of authority (QPoA). QPoA enhances the efficiency of the blockchain system, enabling the secure and efficient sharing of data in IoV. Additionally, a security analysis of QBIoV is conducted, demonstrating that QBIoV is secure against both classic and quantum adversaries, with performance comparisons proving that QBIoV outperforms peer work regarding resource efficiency. In conclusion, this paper provides an effective solution for enhancing data security protection in IoV, assisting in designing blockchain systems in the post-quantum era.

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This work is supported by “the Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities” (Grant No. 3282023015; 3282023051), National first-class undergraduate program construction site of “Information Security”, the Research on Digital Identity Trust System for Massive Heterogeneous Terminals in Road Traffic System (Grant No. 2022YFB3104402), the NSFC (Grant No. 62176273). The authors would like to express their gratitude to EditSprings (https://www.editsprings.cn ) for the expert linguistic services provided.
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Liu, A., Chen, Xb., Xu, G. et al. QBIoV: a secure data sharing scheme for the Internet of vehicles based on quantum-enabled blockchain. Quantum Inf Process 23, 225 (2024). https://doi.org/10.1007/s11128-024-04432-8
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s11128-024-04432-8