We focus on tandem queues with subexponential service time distributions. We assume that number of customers in front of the first station is infinite and there is infinite room for finished customers after the last station but the size of the buffer between two consecutive stations is finite. Using (max, +) linear recursions, we investigate the tail asymptotics of transient response times and waiting times under both communication blocking and manufacturing blocking schemes. We also discuss under which conditions these results can be generalized to the tail asymptotics of stationary response times and waiting times.
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Kim, JK., Ayhan, H. Tandem queues with subexponential service times and finite buffers. Queueing Syst 66, 195–209 (2010). https://doi.org/10.1007/s11134-010-9182-1
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s11134-010-9182-1
- Subexponential distribution
- Tail asymptotics
- Communication blocking
- Manufacturing blocking
- Response time
- Waiting time