We consider an appointment system where the patients have preferences about the appointment days. A patient may be scheduled on one of the days that is acceptable to her, or be denied appointment. The patient may or may not show up at the appointed time. The net cost is a convex function of the actual number of patients served on a given day. We study the optimal scheduling policy that minimizes the long-run average cost and study its structural properties. We advocate an index policy, which is easy to implement, performs well in comparison with other heuristic policies, and is close to the optimal policy.

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We would like to thank Professor Onno Boxma for his valuable comments on the initial draft. We also want to thank the referees for their careful reading of the paper and extremely useful suggestions that, we believe, have made the paper more readable and more rigorous.
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1.1 Proof of Lemma 3
(a) The result follows since monotonicity is closed under the minimum operator.
(b) We need to show \(T_{12}f(i+1,j)\le T_{12}f(i,j)\) for \(0\le i\le m-1, j\ge 0\). We consider three cases:
Case (b)(1) \(0\le i\le m-2, j\ge 0\). The result follows since monotonicity is closed under the minimum operator.
Case (b)(2) \(i=m-1,0\le j\le m-1\). We need to show \(T_{12}f(m,j)\le T_{12}f(m-1,j)\). We have
Similarly, we have
We know \(f(m,j+1)\le f(m,j)\) by \(\textit{Dec}(2) \text { in } S_0\cup S_2\) and \(f(m,j+1)\le f(m-1,j+1)\) by \(\textit{Dec}(1) \text { in } S_0\cup S_1\). Therefore,
Case (b)(3) \(i=m-1,j\ge m\). We need to show \(T_{12}f(m,j)\le T_{12}f(m-1,j)\). We have
We have
The result follows.
(c) The result follows since monotonicity is closed under the minimum operator.
(d) We need to show \(T_{12}f(i,j+1)\le T_{12}f(i,j)\) for \(i\ge 0,0\le j\le m-1\). We consider three cases:
Case (d)(1) \(i\ge 0, 0\le j\le m-2\). The result follows since monotonicity is closed under the minimum operator.
Case (d)(2) \(0\le i\le m-1,j=m-1\). We need to show \(T_{12}f(i,m)\le T_{12}f(i,m-1)\). We have
Similarly, we have
We know \(f(i+1,m)\le f(i+1,m-1)\) by \(\textit{Dec}(2) \text { in } S_0\cup S_2\) and \(f(i+1,m)\le f(i,m)\) by \(\textit{Dec}(1) \text { in } S_0\cup S_1\).
Case (d)(3) \(i\ge m,j=m-1\). We need to show \(T_{12}f(i,m)\le T_{12}f(i,m-1)\). We have
Similarly, we have
The result follows.
(e) We show that \(T_{12}f(i,j)+T_{12}f(i+2,j)\ge 2T_{12}f(i+1,j)\) for \(0\le i\le m-2, 0\le j\le m-1\) and skip the proof that \(T_{12}f(i,j)+T_{12}f(i,j+2)\ge 2T_{12}f(i,j+1)\) for \(0\le i\le m-1, 0\le j\le m-2\) since it is similar. We consider four cases:
Case (e)(1) \(i\le m-3,j\le m-1\). We know
The \(T_{12}\) here coincides with the \(T_{R(I)}\) in Koole [14]. The result follows.
Case (e)(2) \(i\le m-3,j=m\). We show
where we know
The result follows from the \(\textit{Convexity}\) of f.
Case (e)(3) \(i=m-2,j\le m-1\). We show
where we know
We consider two cases:
Case (e)(3)(i) \(f(m-1,j)\ge f(m-2,j+1)\). Then \(T_{12}f(m-2,j)=f(m-2,j+1)\). By the property \(\textit{SuperC}\) of f, we know
Hence \(T_{12}f(m-1,j)=f(m-1,j+1)\). By the \(\textit{Convexity}\) of f, we have
Case (e)(3)(ii) \(f(m-1,j)< f(m-2,j+1)\). Then \(T_{12}f(m-2,j)=f(m-1,j)\). By the \(\textit{Super}\) of f, we have
Case (e)(4) \(i=m-2,j=m\). We show
where we know
The result follows from \(f(m-1,m)\ge f(m,m)\) by \(\textit{Dec}(1) \text { in } S_0\cup S_1\).
(f) We show that \(T_{12}f(i,j)+T_{12}f(i+1,j+1)\ge T_{12}f(i+1,j)+T_{12}f(i,j+1)\) for \(0\le i,j\le m-1\). We consider four cases:
Case (f)(1) \(i\le m-2,j\le m-2\). We know \(T_{12}f(i,j)=\min \{f(i+1,j),f(i,j+1)\}\) coincides with \(T_{R(I)}\) in Koole [14]. The result follows.
Case (f)(2) \(i=m-1,j\le m-2\). We show
where we know
We consider two cases:
Case (f)(2)(i) \(f(m,j)\ge f(m-1,j+1)\). Then \(T_{12}f(m-1,j)=f(m-1,j+1)\). By the \(\textit{Super}\) of f, we know
Case (f)(2)(ii) \(f(m,j)< f(m-1,j+1)\). Then \(T_{12}f(m-1,j)=f(m,j)\). By the \(\textit{SuperC}\) of f, we know
Hence \(T_{12}f(m-1,j+1)=f(m,j+1)\). By the \(\textit{Convexity}\) of f, we have
Case (f)(3) \(i\le m-2,j=m-1\). We show
where we know
We know
Case (f)(4) \(i=m-1,j=m-1\). We show
where we know
We know
(g) We show that \(T_{12}f(i+2,j)+T_{12}f(i,j+1)\ge T_{12}f(i+1,j)+T_{12}f(i+1,j+1)\) for \(0\le i\le m-2, 0\le j\le m-1\). We skip the proof of \(T_{12}f(i+1,j)+T_{12}f(i,j+2)\ge T_{12}f(i,j+1)+T_{12}f(i+1,j+1)\) for \(0\le i\le m-1, 0\le j\le m-2\). We consider four cases:
Case (g)(1) \(i\le m-3,j\le m-2\). We know \(T_{12}f(i,j)=\min \{f(i+1,j),f(i,j+1)\}\) coincides with \(T_{R(I)}\) in Koole [14]. The result follows.
Case (g)(2) \(i=m-2,j\le m-2\). We show
where we know
We consider two cases:
Case (g)(2)(i) \(f(m-1,j+1)<f(m-2,j+2)\). Then \(T_{12}f(m-2,j+1)=f(m-1,j+1)\). We have
Case (g)(2)(ii) \(f(m-1,j+1)\ge f(m-2,j+2)\). Then \(T_{12}f(m-2,j+1)=f(m-2,j+2)\). We have
We have
Case (g)(3) \(i\le m-3,j=m-1\). We show
where we know
We consider two cases:
Case (g)(3)(i) \(f(i+3,m-1)<f(i+2,m)\). Then \(T_{12}f(i+2,m-1)=f(i+3,m-1)\). We have
Case (g)(3)(ii) \(f(i+3,m-1)\ge f(i+2,m)\). Then \(T_{12}f(i+2,m-1)=f(i+2,m)\). We have
Case (g)(4) \(i=m-2,j=m-1\). We show
where we know
1.2 Proof of Lemma 4
Due to the symmetry, we show the proof for operator \(T_1\) and skip the proof for operator \(T_2\). Given the properties f has, we know
We prove (f) and skip the rest due to the similarity. We show that \(T_1f(i,j)+T_1f(i+1,j+1)\ge T_1f(i+1,j)+T_1f(i,j+1)\) for any \(0\le i,j\le m-1\). We consider four cases:
Case (f)(1) \(0\le i\le m-2,0\le j\le m-2\). We have
Case (f)(2) \(i=m-1,0\le j\le m-2\). We need to show \(T_1f(m-1,j)+T_1f(m,j+1)\ge T_1f(m,j)+T_1f(m-1,j+1)\). We have
Case (f)(3) \(0\le i\le m-2,j=m-1\). We need to show \(T_1f(i,m-1)+T_1f(i+1,m)\ge T_1f(i+1,m-1)+T_1f(i,m)\). We have
Case (f)(4) \(i=m-1,j=m-1\). We need to show \(T_1f(m-1,m-1)+T_1f(m,m)\ge T_1f(m,m-1)+T_1f(m-1,m)\). This follows because
1.3 Proof of Lemma 6
We know \(T_cf(i,j)=c(i)+f(j,0)\) and c(x) is a convex function which achieves its minimum at \(x=m\), hence (a) and (b) follow. For (c), if f is \(\textit{Inc}(1) \text { in } S_2\cup S_3\), then \(f(i+1,j)\ge f(i,j), \forall i\ge m, j\ge 0\). For any \(j\ge m\), we have \(T_cf(i,j+1)=c(i)+f(j+1,0)\ge c(i)+f(j,0)=T_cf(i,j)\). Hence \(T_cf\) is \(\textit{Inc}(2) \text { in } S_1\cup S_3\). For (d), if f is \(\textit{Dec}(1) \text { in } S_0\cup S_1\), then \(f(i+1,j)\le f(i,j), \forall i\le m-1, j\ge 0\). For any \(j\le m-1\), we have \(T_cf(i,j+1)=c(i)+f(j+1,0)\le c(i)+f(j,0)=T_cf(i,j)\). Hence \(T_cf\) is \(\textit{Dec}(2) \text { in } S_0\cup S_2\). For (e), the Convexity of \(T_cf\) follows directly from the Convexity of f. (f) is trivially shown given the definition of the operator \(T_c\). For (g), we have
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Zhang, Y., Kulkarni, V.G. Two-day appointment scheduling with patient preferences and geometric arrivals. Queueing Syst 85, 173–209 (2017). https://doi.org/10.1007/s11134-016-9506-x
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s11134-016-9506-x