Relationships between the journal download immediacy index (DII) and some citation indicators are studied. The Chinese full-text database CNKI is used for data collection. Results suggest that the DII can be considered as an independent indicator, but that it also has predictive value for other indicators, such as a journal’s h-index. In case a journal cannot yet have an impact factor—because its citation history within the database is too short—the DII can be used for a preliminary evaluation. The article provides results related to the CNKI database as a whole and additionally, some detailed information about agricultural and forestry journals.
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Rousseau’s work was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC Grant No 70673019). The authors thank Raf Guns (Antwerp University), Christian Schögl (University of Graz), Juan Gorraiz (University of Vienna) and two anonymous reviewers for helpful comments on an earlier version.
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In this appendix we present Table 5 in which the download immediacy index is compared to the CII, the classical impact factor, the total number of citations received and the h-index. All indices refer to the year 2006. This means that publications in the years 2004 and 2005 are used to determine the impact factor; publications in the year 2006 are used for the two immediacy indices. For ‘total number of citations received’ citations are received in 2006 and refer to publications over all years. Finally, the h-index is the 2006 h-index using publications during the period 2002–2006.
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Wan, Jk., Hua, Ph., Rousseau, R. et al. The journal download immediacy index (DII): experiences using a Chinese full-text database. Scientometrics 82, 555–566 (2010). https://doi.org/10.1007/s11192-010-0171-2
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s11192-010-0171-2