Due to rapid environmental change, policymakers no longer choose foresight issues based on their own experience. Instead, they need to consider all the possible factors that will influence new technological developments and formulate an appropriate future technological development strategy to the country through the technology foresight system. For the sake of gathering more objective evidence to convince stakeholders to support the foresight issues, researchers can employ bibliometric analysis to describe current scientific development and forecast possible future development trends. Through this process, a consensus is reached about the direction of future technology development. However, we believe that bibliometric analysis can do more for technology policy formulation, such as (1) offer quantitative data as evidence to support the results of qualitative analysis; (2) review the situations of literature publication in specific technological fields to seize the current stage of technology development; and (3) help us grasp the relative advantage of foresight issues development in Taiwan and the world and develop profound strategic planning in accordance with the concept of Revealed Comparative Advantage. For those reasons, our research will revisit the role that bibliometric analysis plays for nations while choosing the foresight issues. In addition, we will analyze the development of the technology policy in Taiwan based on bibliometric analysis, and complete the foresight issues selection by processing key issue integration, key word collection related to this field, the searching and confirmation of literature, development opportunities exploration, comparative development advantage analysis and the innovation-foresight matrix construction, etc.

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The authors are extremely grateful to the editor, and the anonymous referees who provided useful comments on earlier drafts. We also gratefully acknowledge financial support from the Council of Agriculture in Taiwan (101AS-6.2.1-ST-a4).
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Lee, LC., Lee, YY. & Liaw, YC. Bibliometric analysis for development of research strategies in agricultural technology: the case of Taiwan. Scientometrics 93, 813–830 (2012). https://doi.org/10.1007/s11192-012-0833-3
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s11192-012-0833-3