This paper aims to perform a detailed scientometric and text-based analysis of Computer Science (CS) research output of the 100 most productive institutions in India and in the world. The analytical characterization is based on research output data indexed in Scopus during the last 25 years period (1989–2013). Our computational analysis involves a two-dimensional approach involving the standard scientometric methodology and text-based analysis. The scientometric characterization aims to assess CS domain research output in leading Indian institutions vis-à-vis the leading world institutions and to bring out the similarities and differences among them. It involves analysis along traditional scientometric indicators such as total output, citation-based impact assessment, co-authorship patterns, international collaboration levels etc. The text-based characterization aims to identify the key research themes and their temporal trends for the two sets. The key contribution of the experimental work is that it’s an analytical characterization of its kind, which identifies characteristic similarities and differences in CS research landscape of Indian institutions vis-à-vis world institutions.

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This work is supported by research grants from Department of Science and Technology, Government of India (Grant: INT/MEXICO/P-13/2012) and University Grants Commission of India (Grant: F. No. 41-624/2012(SR)).
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Computation theory
Finite automata, regular expression, language expression, context free grammar, context free language, recursive function, turing machine, time complexity, automata theory, computation theory, cellular automata, learning automata, computability, finite element.
Software engineering
Software, software engineering, object oriented design, black box, white box, testing, incremental testing, software metrics, software reliability, software standard, cocomo, capability maturity model, petri net, srs$, uml$, software reliability, software testing, verification.
Database management systems
Database management systems, data abstraction, data definition language, ddl$, data dictionary, er diagram, relational database management system, rdms$, query language*, sql$, odl$, oql$, relational calculus, bi relation, multi relation, join algorithm, shadow paging, data warehouse*, data structure, data manipulation language, dml$, database task group, dbtg$, database*, object oriented database.
Internet and multimedia
Internet programming, html, xml, applet programming, http*, web server, search engine, crawler*, internet robot, web mining, e commerce, web security, user interface style, visual design, multimedia, ip address, firewall, internet, web service*, semantic web, elearning, social network*.
Artificial intelligence
Artificial intelligence, production system and matching, problem reduction, search space, heuristic*, knowledge representation, semantic net, fuzzy*, neural network*, pattern directed search, propositional logic, predicate logic, natural language understanding, vision understanding, speech understanding, genetic algorithm*, ga$, clustering, particle swarm optimization*, pso$, optimization, classification, feature extraction, information retrieval, biometrics, machine learning, support vector machine*, svm$, ant colony optimization, simulated annealing, ontology, differential evolution, feature selection, artificial neural network*, rough set*, swarm intelligence, ann$, speech recognition, k means*, prediction, soft computing, natural language processing, global optimization, text mining, membership function, artificial bee colony, evolutionary algorithm*, game theory, collaborating filtering, expert system*, hidden markov model, hmm, information extraction, multi objective optimization, nlp$, cognitive system*, decision making, case based reasoning, intelligent agent, multiagent, constraints satisfaction.
Computer networks
Network and protocol, wireless comm*, wireless network*, bandwidth*, local area network*, lan$, router, congestion*, computer and network, asynchronous transfer, client server, client system, server system, wide area network, wan, broadband, packet, switch, socket, optical gateway*, connection gateway*, computer and network, data transfer, distributed computing, world wide web, www, packet switch, circuit switch, internet protocol, proxy server, tcp*, security, wireless sensor network, cloud computing, qos$, quality of service*, authentication, ofdm$, aodv$, ad hoc network*, trust, entropy, intrusion detection, privacy, mimo$, wimax, wsn$, delay, mobile ad hoc network*, network life, wlan$, gps$, network security, sensor network, dsr$, manet*, cdma$, mac$, routing *, vector quantization, vanet$, localization, mobile computing, distributed computing, remote sensing, connectivity, gsm$, handoff, channel estimation, intrusion detection system, cloud, multicast, grid, bit error rate.
Computer software and applications
Computer software, computer simulation, computer aided design, software aided design, compiler design, object oriented program*, real time system*, data mining, data acquisition, pattern matching, pattern recognition, java programming, programming language*, software architecture, user computer interface, graph theory, simulation, matlab, pattern classification, computational geometry, association rule mining, fault tolerance, computer program, cad$, programming.
Signal and image processing
Image processing, computer graphic*, ocr$, texture, image fusion, segmentation, face recognition, wavelet *, principal component analysis, pca$, image algorithm*, discrete wavelet transform, dwt$, edge detection, image compression, watermarking, digital watermarking, discrete cosine transform, dct$, singular value decomposition, fft$, image enhancement, image denoising, parallel algorithm*, face detection, kalman filter, eeg$, spectrum sensing, ecg$, character recognition, handwriting recognition.
Operating system
Operating system*, interrupt handling, batch processing, multiprogramming, demand paging, cpu scheduling, concurrent process, deadlock prevention, deadlock avoidance, deadlock detection, deadlock recovery, spool management, directory structure, file system, multiprocessing, scheduling, access control, resource allocation, disk scheduling, gui$, virtual machine, multithreading.
Cryptography, cryptanalysis, private cryptography, public cryptography, linear cryptanalysis, rsa, digital signature, stream cipher*, security, steganography, key management, information hiding, decryption, data hiding, information security.
Computer hardware and architecture
Computer hardware, digital signal processing, computer architecture, cmos$, cisc$, risc$, sisd$, simd$, misd$, mimd$, instruction pipelining, cache memory, virtual memory, interleaved memory, shared memory, computer organi*, instruction format, addressing mode, fpga$, energy efficiency, vlsi$, fault tolerance, low power, power quality, fault detection, impulse noise, grid computing, parallel hardware, parallel computing, dataflow architecture, vliw$, moors law, flyn classification, multicore, microprocessor, programmable logic array*, pla$.
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Singh, V.K., Uddin, A. & Pinto, D. Computer science research: the top 100 institutions in India and in the world. Scientometrics 104, 529–553 (2015). https://doi.org/10.1007/s11192-015-1612-8
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s11192-015-1612-8