This paper presents a detailed scientometric and text-based analysis of Computer Science (CS) research output from Mexico during 1989–2014, indexed in Web of Science. The analytical characterization focuses on origins and growth patterns of CS research in Mexico. In addition to computing the standard scientometric indicators of TP, TC, ACPP, HiCP, H-index, ICP patterns etc., the major publication sources selected by Mexican computer scientists and the major funding agencies for CS research are also identified. The text-based analysis, on the other hand, focused on identifying major research themes pursued by Mexican computer scientists and their trends. Mexico, ranking 35th in the world CS research output during the mentioned period, is also unique in the sense that 75 % of the total CS publications are produced by top ten Mexican institutions alone. Similarly, Mexico has higher ICP instances than world average. The analysis presents a detailed characterization on these aspects.

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This work is supported by research Grants from Department of Science and Technology, Government of India (Grant INT/MEXICO/P-13/2012) and CONACYT Project#165158.
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Uddin, A., Singh, V.K., Pinto, D. et al. Scientometric mapping of computer science research in Mexico. Scientometrics 105, 97–114 (2015). https://doi.org/10.1007/s11192-015-1654-y
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s11192-015-1654-y