Automated literature reviews have the potential to accelerate knowledge synthesis and provide new insights. However, a lack of labeled ground-truth data has made it difficult to develop and evaluate these methods. We propose a framework that uses the reference lists from existing review papers as labeled data, which can then be used to train supervised classifiers, allowing for experimentation and testing of models and features at a large scale. We demonstrate our framework by training classifiers using different combinations of citation- and text-based features on 500 review papers. We use the R-Precision scores for the task of reconstructing the review papers’ reference lists as a way to evaluate and compare methods. We also extend our method, generating a novel set of articles relevant to the fields of misinformation studies and science communication. We find that our method can identify many of the most relevant papers for a literature review from a large set of candidate papers, and that our framework allows for development and testing of models and features to incrementally improve the results. The models we build are able to identify relevant papers even when starting with a very small set of seed papers. We also find that the methods can be adapted to identify previously undiscovered articles that may be relevant to a given topic.
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For the clustering, we used the cleaned version of the Web of Science network as described in “Data” section. We used the network after cleaning for citations, but before removing papers with other missing metadata. This version of the network had 73,725,142 nodes and 1,164,650,021 edges.
Since every node is in exactly one cluster (even if the cluster is only one node), and the leaves of the hierarchy tree represent the nodes themselves, the minimum depth in the hierarchy is 2. In this case, the first level is the cluster the node belongs to, and the second level is the node.
We divide the standard measure of distance between nodes in a tree by the sum of the nodes’ depth. This is because, in the case of hierarchical Infomap clustering, the total depth varies throughout the tree, and the actual depth of the nodes is arbitrary when describing the distance between the nodes. For example, a pair of nodes in the same bottom-level cluster at a depth of level 5 are no closer together than a pair of nodes in the same bottom-level cluster at level 2.
Machine learning experiments were conducted using scikit-learn version 0.20.3 running on Python 3.6.9.
Although we only performed ranking and clustering once, it would be ideal to remove all nodes and links past the year of the review paper, as well as the review paper itself, and cluster this network. However, performing a separate clustering for each review paper would be computationally infeasible. Nevertheless, any bias introduced by this should be small, as the clustering method we use considers the overall flow of information across multiple pathways, which makes it robust to the removal of individual nodes and links in large networks.
We chose to report the best-performing model for each experiment, rather than restricting to a single classifier type. This decision did not have a large effect on the results. We chose to be flexible in which classifier to use because there are differences among the different review articles. We will continue to explore the nature of these differences in future work.
The actual feature used was the absolute difference between a paper’s publication year and the mean publication year of the seed papers.
We used the spaCy library (version 2.2.3) with a pretrained English language model (core_web_lg version 2.2.5).
The models that had both network and title embedding features, but not publication year (“Cluster, PageRank, Embeddings”), performed worse in general than models with embeddings alone, with scores tending to be between 0.5 and 0.7. The reason for this is unclear.
Since the same random seeds (1, 2, 3, 4, 5) were used each time, the smaller seed sets are always subsets of the larger ones. For example, for a given review article and a given random seed, the 100 seed papers identified are all included in the set of 150; the set of 50 seed papers are all included in both the set of 100 and 150; and so on.
See Data and Methods at http://www.misinformationresearch.org for details
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We thank Dr. Chirag Shah for helpful conversations around evaluation measures, and Clarivate Analytics for the use of the Web of Science data. We also thank three anonymous reviewers for constructive feedback. This work was facilitated through the use of advanced computational, storage, and networking infrastructure provided by the Hyak supercomputer system and funded by the STF at the University of Washington.
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Example of autoreview results
Below is a sample of results (random samples of true positives, false positives, true negatives, and false negatives) from the autoreview classifier using the references from Fortunato (2010)—a review on Community Detection in Graphs—with a random seed of 5. The “Rank” represents the position of the candidate paper when ordered descending by the classifier’s score. The false positives, while not in the original reference list, still seem to be relevant to the topic (e.g., “Overlapping Community Search for Social Networks”). The true negatives tend to have lower scores than the false negatives, suggesting that the assigned score does tend to predict relevant documents, even if they are below the cutoff.
True Positives | ||
Rank | Title | Year |
10 | Role Models For Complex Networks | 2007 |
21 | Adaptive Clustering Algorithm For Community Detection In Complex Networks | 2008 |
24 | Random Field Ising Model And Community Structure In Complex Networks | 2006 |
50 | Bayesian Approach To Network Modularity | 2008 |
58 | The Effect Of Size Heterogeneity On Community Identification In Complex Networks | 2006 |
76 | Loops And Multiple Edges In Modularity Maximization Of Networks | 2010 |
97 | Synchronization Interfaces And Overlapping Communities In Complex Networks | 2008 |
118 | The Analysis And Dissimilarity Comparison Of Community Structure | 2006 |
119 | Searching For Communities In Bipartite Networks | 2008 |
208 | Epidemic Spreading In Scale-Free Networks | 2001 |
False Positives | ||
Rank | Title | Year |
72 | Modularity From Fluctuations In Random Graphs And Complex Networks | 2004 |
94 | Clustering Coefficient And Community Structure Of Bipartite Networks | 2008 |
98 | Detecting Overlapping Community Structures In Networks | 2009 |
106 | Size Reduction Of Complex Networks Preserving Modularity | 2007 |
129 | Extracting Weights From Edge Directions To Find Communities In Directed Networks | 2010 |
146 | Identifying The Role That Animals Play In Their Social Networks | 2004 |
150 | Seeding The Kernels In Graphs: Toward Multi-Resolution Community Analysis | 2009 |
159 | Overlapping Community Search For Social Networks | 2010 |
162 | Modularity Clustering Is Force-Directed Layout | 2009 |
185 | Cartography Of Complex Networks: Modules And Universal Roles | 2005 |
True Negatives | ||
Rank | Title | Year |
2967 | Graph Models Of Complex Information-Sources | 1979 |
120959 | Parallel Distributed Network Characteristics Of The Dsct | 1992 |
322251 | Hidden Semantic Concept Discovery In Region Based Image Retrieval | 2004 |
327308 | A Multilevel Matrix Decomposition Algorithm For Analyzing Scattering From Large Structures | 1996 |
394850 | Multiple-Model Approach To Finite Memory Adaptive Filtering | 1992 |
749175 | Statistical Computer-Aided Design For Microwave Circuits | 1996 |
943999 | Segmental Anhidrosis In The Spinal Dermatomes In Sjogrens Syndrome-Associated Neuropathy | 1993 |
1121787 | Rheological And Dielectrical Characterization Of Melt Mixed Polycarbonate-Multiwalled Carbon Nanotube Composites | 2004 |
1177851 | Explaining The Rate Spread On Corporate Bonds | 2001 |
1256866 | The Cyanobacterial Cell Division Factor Ftn6 Contains An N-Terminal Dnad-Like Domain | 2009 |
False Negatives | ||
Rank | Title | Year |
259 | Heterogeneity In Oscillator Networks: Are Smaller Worlds Easier To Synchronize? | 2003 |
324 | Assessing The Relevance Of Node Features For Network Structure | 2009 |
385 | The Use Of Edge-Betweenness Clustering To Investigate Biological Function In Protein Interaction Networks | 2005 |
6605 | A Measure Of Betweenness Centrality Based On Random Walks | 2005 |
19863 | On Decomposition Of Networks In Minimally Interconnected Subnetworks | 1969 |
59900 | Objective Criteria For Evaluation Of Clustering Methods | 1971 |
139178 | Optimization With Extremal Dynamics | 2001 |
250583 | The Tie Effect On Information Dissemination: The Spread Of A Commercial Rumor In Hong Kong | 2002 |
281952 | Compartments Revealed In Food-Web Structure | 2003 |
1203248 | Dynamic Asset Trees And Portfolio Analysis | 2002 |
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Portenoy, J., West, J.D. Constructing and evaluating automated literature review systems. Scientometrics 125, 3233–3251 (2020). https://doi.org/10.1007/s11192-020-03490-w
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s11192-020-03490-w