The combination of the topic model and the semantic method can help to discover the semantic distributions of topics and the changing characteristics of the semantic distributions, further providing a new perspective for the research of topic evolution. This study proposes a solution for quantifying the semantic distributions and the changing characteristics based on words in topic evolution through the Dynamic topic model (DTM) and the word2vec model. A dataset in the field of Library and information science (LIS) is utilized in the empirical study, and the topic-semantic probability distribution is derived. The evolving dynamics of the topics are constructed. The characteristics of evolving dynamics are used to explain the semantic distributions of topics in topic evolution. Then, the regularities of evolving dynamics are summarized to explain the changing characteristics of semantic distributions in topic evolution. Results show that no topic is distributed in a single semantic concept, and most topics correspond to various semantic concepts in LIS. The three kinds of topics in LIS are the convergent, diffusive, and stable topics. The discovery of different modes of topic evolution can further prove the development of the field. In addition, findings indicate that the popularity of topics and the characteristics of evolving dynamics of topics are irrelevant.

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This research is financially supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 71603195, 71921002).
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QG: Conceived and design the analysis, Collected the data, Performed the analysis, Wrote the paper. XH: Conceived and design the analysis, Contributed data or analysis tools, Wrote the paper. KD: Conceived and design the analysis, Wrote the paper. ZL: Contributed data or analysis tools. JW: Conceived and design the analysis.
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Gao, Q., Huang, X., Dong, K. et al. Semantic-enhanced topic evolution analysis: a combination of the dynamic topic model and word2vec. Scientometrics 127, 1543–1563 (2022). https://doi.org/10.1007/s11192-022-04275-z
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s11192-022-04275-z