Code reuse through copying and pasting leads to so-called software clones. These clones can be roughly categorized into identical fragments (type-1 clones), fragments with parameter substitution (type-2 clones), and similar fragments that differ through modified, deleted, or added statements (type-3 clones). Although there has been extensive research on detecting clones, detection of type-3 clones is still an open research issue due to the inherent vagueness in their definition. In this paper, we analyze type-3 clones detected by state-of-the-art tools and investigate type-3 clones in terms of their syntactic differences. Then, we derive their underlying semantic abstractions from their syntactic differences. Finally, we investigate whether there are code characteristics that indicate that a tool-suggested clone candidate is a real type-3 clone from a human’s perspective. Our findings can help developers of clone detectors and clone refactoring tools to improve their tools.

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We want to thank Pierre Frenzel for sharing his validated clones with us. Furthermore, we want to thank our industrial partner for giving us the opportunity to analyze industrial code of a software product line and the anonymous reviewers for their valuable comments.
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Tiarks, R., Koschke, R. & Falke, R. An extended assessment of type-3 clones as detected by state-of-the-art tools. Software Qual J 19, 295–331 (2011). https://doi.org/10.1007/s11219-010-9115-6
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s11219-010-9115-6