Exact or nearly similar code fragments in a software system’s source code are referred to as code clones. It is often the case that updates (i.e., changes) to a code clone will need to be propagated to its related code clones to preserve their similarity and to maintain source code consistency. When there is a delay in propagating the changes (possibly because the developer is unaware of the related cloned code), the system might behave incorrectly. A delay in propagating a change is referred to as ‘late propagation,’ and a number of studies have investigated this phenomenon. However, these studies did not investigate the intensity of late propagation nor how late propagation differs by clone type. In this research, we investigate late propagation separately for each of the three clone types (Type 1, Type 2, and Type 3). According to our experimental results on thousands of revisions of eight diverse subject systems written in two programming languages, late propagation occurs more frequently in Type 3 clones compared with the other two clone types. More importantly, there is a higher probability that Type 3 clones will experience buggy late propagations compared with the other two clone types. Also, we discovered that block clones are more involved in late propagation than method clones. Refactoring and tracking of Similarity Preserving Change Pattern (SPCP) clones (i.e., the clone fragments that evolve following a SPCP) can help us minimize the occurrences of late propagation in clones.

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Mondal, M., Roy, C.K. & Schneider, K.A. A comparative study on the intensity and harmfulness of late propagation in near-miss code clones. Software Qual J 24, 883–915 (2016). https://doi.org/10.1007/s11219-016-9305-y
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s11219-016-9305-y