In the last two decades, open-source software (OSS) has gained increasing attention due to its voluntary supporters, growing community, and ease of accessibility in cloud repositories. Standardization in OSS quality is of vital importance as a communication vehicle for stakeholders in identifying and selecting high-quality products. Thus, meta-models help to define a standardized language and enable to propose quality models that can be used to perform comparable measurements.
Considering the lack of a comprehensive meta-model of OSS quality in the literature, there appears a need to see a more complete picture of OSS quality and to represent its concepts more formally. Therefore, in this study, it is aimed to develop a solid base for a comprehensive meta-model of OSS quality to create a common understanding among stakeholders.
A systematic way has been followed toward developing a common structure, defining a consistent terminology and, finally, providing a meta-model of OSS quality. In this context, (1) the common structure of the quality models for OSS has been investigated, (2) the terms of the general-purpose meta-models of software quality have been analyzed based on the international standards, and (3) the terms of the quality models for OSS have been mapped with the elements of these meta-models.
An initial meta-model of OSS quality, which employs a unified structure from the OSS quality models and eliminates the inconsistencies determined in the general-purpose meta-models of software quality, has been proposed and an implementation of this meta-model has been demonstrated.
This initial meta-model of OSS quality with a standard terminology can be taken as a guide by researchers who will propose or revise their OSS quality models. It will allow developing multiple OSS quality models with homogenous structure and terms, and also enable comparing the evaluation results obtained by these models.
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The data that support the findings of this study are openly available in Zenodo at the following URL: definition of the terminologies in the SQMM, Zenodo, https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.6367596.
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This study was carried out as part of a PhD study pursued by the first author at the Graduate School of Science and Engineering of Hacettepe University.
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Appendix 1 List of questions to obtain feedback from experts
Feedback on the applicability of OSS-QMM in practice | Purpose of question | |
Q1 | Suppose that you would match the terms of the quality model used in your own company for software evaluation, with the terms of the OSS-QMM. Which of the meta-model terms would you match? | It is asked to see the usefulness of the concepts in our meta-model and find out if there are any unused concepts |
Q2 | As a result of the matching you performed in the previous question (Q1), are there any unused concept of our OSS-QMM? | It is asked to see if there is a missing concept in our meta-model and get feedback from experts in this context |
Q3 | Do you agree that the terms of the example OSS quality model given in Appendix 2 (derived from OSS-QMM) and the terms of the OSS-QMM are compatible with each other? | Experts are asked to derive an OSS quality model using our meta-model. Then, it is asked to get feedback on the compatibility of the model they derived with the model we derived (Appendix 2) |
Feedback on the structure of OSS-QMM | ||
Q1 | Do you agree that the mapping process is compatible with the (5-level) structure of the OSS-QMM? | It is asked to get feedback on the compatibility of the matching process with the structure of the meta-model |
Q2 | Do you agree that the classification of the OSS-QMM terms (under specification, measurement, and evaluation) are useful? | It was asked to get feedback on whether the classification process contributes to a better understanding of our meta-model and the coexistence of compatible concepts |
Q3 | Do you agree that the OSS quality models to be derived from the OSS-QMM will have homogeneous structure? | In order to benefit from the software quality modeling experiences of the experts, they are asked for their opinions on whether the structure of the models to be developed from our meta-model would be homogeneous |
Q4 | Do you agree that the OSS-QMM is understandable? | Experts are asked whether the developed meta-model was understandable and their feedback to make it more understandable |
Feedback on the content of OSS-QMM | ||
Q1 | Do you agree that the OSS-QMM is sufficiently general to describe any existing OSS quality model that you already know? (e.g., OSMM, SQO-OSS, and QualOSS)? | Experts are asked to derive an existing OSS quality model they know using our meta model. Then, it is asked whether there were deficiencies in our model |
Q2 | Do you agree that that relationship between concepts is compatible? | It is asked to get feedback on whether the relationships used between concepts were compatible with the concepts and the structure of our meta-model |
Q3 | Do you agree that the OSS-QMM is complete? | Considering the structure of the meta-model, its concepts, and the relationships among them, it was asked to get feedback on whether quality models derived from our meta-model address all aspects of OSS products (e.g., code-based and community-based aspects) |
Appendix 2 The new operationalized quality model derived from OSS-QMM
Appendix 3 Matching concepts of OSS-QMM and existing OSS quality models (OSMM, OpenBRR, and SQO-OSS)
OSS-QMM concepts | Quality models terms | ||||
Quality model | OSMM | OpenBRR | SQO-OSS | ||
Viewpoint | Developer | Developer | Developer | ||
OSS aspect | Community-based | Code-based | Community-based | Code-based | Community-based |
Information need | Calculation of developer size to evaluate maintainability | Calculation of fault proneness to evaluate maintainability | Calculation of developer productivity to evaluate maintainability | Calculation of comment frequency to evaluate maintainability | Calculation of documentation quality to evaluate maintainability |
Characteristic | Maintainability | Maintainability | Maintainability | Maintainability | Maintainability |
Sub-characteristic | Acceptance | Product quality | Product quality | Analyzability | Analyzability |
Entity | Developer | Source code | Contributor | Source code | Contributor |
Quality requirement | The large size of developer is desirable for maintainability | The low error proneness of the source code is desirable for maintainability | The productive developers are desirable for maintainability | The high comment frequency is desirable for maintainability | The large number of documents is desirable for maintainability |
Impact | Positive | Negative | Positive | Positive | Positive |
Measurable concepts | The size of developer | The fault proneness of source code | Productivity of contributors | Complexity of source code | Completeness of documentation |
Measure | Number of developers (Base measure) | Defect density (Derived measure) | Number of releases (Base measure) | Weighted method per class (WMC) (Base measure) | Number of documents (Base measure) |
Unit | Developer | Defects, lines | Release | Methods | Documents |
Scale | Integer from zero to five (The score (1–5) is assigned w.r.t. rules given in OSMM) | Integer from zero to three (The score (1–3) is assigned w.r.t. rules given in OpenBRR) | Integer from zero to three (The score (1–3) is assigned w.r.t. rules given in OpenBRR) | Integer from zero to infinity | Integer from zero to infinity |
Measurement method | Manually | Automatically (e.g., Understand scitool, CKJM, Intellij IDEA, etc.) | Manually | Automatically (e.g., Understand scitool, CKJM, Intellij IDEA, etc.) | Manually |
Measurement function | There is no measurement function because it is a base measure | Number of defects/LOC | There is no measurement function because it is a base measure | There is no measurement function because it is a base measure | There is no measurement function because it is a base measure |
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Yılmaz, N., Tarhan, A.K. Matching terms of quality models and meta-models: toward a unified meta-model of OSS quality. Software Qual J 31, 721–773 (2023). https://doi.org/10.1007/s11219-022-09603-3
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s11219-022-09603-3