Distributed optimization for big data has recently attracted enormous attention. However, the existing algorithms are all based on one critical randomness condition, i.e., the big data are randomly distributed on different machines. This is seldom in practice, and violating this condition can seriously degrade the estimation accuracy. To fix this problem, we propose a pilot dataset surrogate loss function based optimization framework, which can realize communication-efficient distributed optimization for non-randomly distributed big data. Furthermore, we also apply it to penalized high-dimensional sparse learning problems by combining it with the penalty functions. Theoretical properties and numerical results all confirm the good performance of the proposed methods.

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Kangning Wang designed the new methods, wrote the main manuscript text, and Shaomin Li developed the theoretical framework and prepared the numerical experiments. All authors reviewed the manuscript.
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Wang, K., Li, S. Distributed statistical optimization for non-randomly stored big data with application to penalized learning. Stat Comput 33, 73 (2023). https://doi.org/10.1007/s11222-023-10247-x
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s11222-023-10247-x