Although Bayesian deep neural network models are ubiquitous in classification problems; their Markov Chain Monte Carlo based implementation suffers from high computational cost, limiting the use of this powerful technique in large-scale studies. Variational Bayes (VB) has emerged as a competitive alternative to overcome some of these computational issues. This paper focuses on the variational Bayesian deep neural network estimation methodology and discusses the related statistical theory and algorithmic implementations in the context of classification. For a dense deep neural network-based classification, the paper compares and contrasts the true posterior’s consistency and contraction rates and the corresponding variational posterior. Based on the complexity of the deep neural network (DNN), this paper provides an assessment of the loss in classification accuracy due to VB’s use and guidelines on the characterization of the prior distributions and the variational family. The difficulty of the numerical optimization for obtaining the variational Bayes solution has also been quantified as a function of the complexity of the DNN. The development is motivated by an important biomedical engineering application, namely building predictive tools for the transition from mild cognitive impairment to Alzheimer’s disease. The predictors are multi-modal and may involve complex interactive relations.

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This work is partially supported by the grants NSF-1924724, NSF-1952856, and NSF-2124605.
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Appendix A Algorithms of variational implementation.
With q and p as in (12) and (10) respectively,
Appendix B Preliminaries
Definition 1
\(MVN(\varvec{\mu },\varvec{\Sigma })\) is used to denote the density function of multivariate normal distribution with mean \(\varvec{\mu }\) and variance covariance matrix \(\varvec{\Sigma }\).
Definition 2
For a vector \(\varvec{\alpha }\) and a function g,
\(||\varvec{\alpha }||_1=\sum _i |\alpha _i|\), \(||\varvec{\alpha }||_2=\sqrt{\sum _i \alpha _i^2}\), \(||\varvec{\alpha }||_\infty =\max _i |\alpha _i|\).
\(||g||_1=\int _{\varvec{x}\in \chi } |g(\varvec{x})|d\varvec{x}\), \(||g||_2=\sqrt{\int _{\varvec{x}\in \chi } g(\varvec{x})^2d\varvec{x}}\), \(||g||_\infty =\sup _{\varvec{x}\in \chi } |g(\varvec{x})|\)
Definition 3
(Bracketing number and entropy) For any two functions l and u, define the bracket [l, u] as the set of all functions f such that \(l\le f\le u\) pointwise. Let ||.|| be a metric. Define an \(\varepsilon -\)bracket as a bracket with \(||u-l||\le \varepsilon \). Define the bracketing number of a set of functions \(\mathcal {F}^*\) as the minimum number of \(\varepsilon -\)brackets needed to cover \(\mathcal {F}^*\), and denote it by \(N_{[]}(\varepsilon ,\mathcal {F}^*,||.||)\). Finally, the Hellinger bracketing entropy, denoted by \(H_{[]}(\varepsilon ,\mathcal {F}^*,||.||)\), is the natural logarithm of the bracketing number (Pollard 1990).
Definition 4
(Covering number and entropy) Let (V, ||.||) be a normed space, and \(\mathcal {F} \subset V\). \(\{V_1,\ldots , V_n \}\) is an \(\varepsilon -\)covering of \(\mathcal {F}\) if \(\mathcal {F} \subset \cup _{i=1}^N B(V_i,\varepsilon )\), or equivalently, \(\forall \) \(\theta \in \mathcal {F}\), \(\exists \) i such that \(||\theta -V_i||<\varepsilon \). The covering number of \(\mathcal {F}\) denoted by \(N(\varepsilon ,\mathcal {F},||.||)=\min \{n: \exists \, \varepsilon -\text { covering over }\mathcal {F}\text { of size } n \}\). Finally, the Hellinger covering entropy, denoted by \(H(\varepsilon , \mathcal {F},||.||)\), is the natural logarithm of the covering number (Pollard 1990).
Lemma 5 gives a bound on the integral of the Hellinger entropy. Lemma 6 shows that the prior gives negligible probability outside the sieve \(\mathcal {F}_n\). Lemma 7 shows that the prior if prior gives sufficient mass on the KL neighborhoods of the true density, the marginal density is well bounded. Lemma 8 shows that if parameters of two neural networks are close then so are the neural networks themselves. Lemmas 5, 6, 7 and 8 will serve as important tools towards the proof of consistency of the true posterior.
Lemma 5
With \(H_{[]}(u,\widetilde{\mathcal {F}}_n,||.||_2)\) as in Definition 3, for \(H_{[]}(u,\widetilde{\mathcal {F}}_n,||.||_2)\le K_n\log (M_n/u)\),
See proof of lemma 7.14 in Bhattacharya and Maiti (2021). \(\square \)
Lemma 6
Suppose, \(\int _{\mathcal {F}_n^c} p(\varvec{\theta }_{n}) d\varvec{\theta }_{n} \le e^{-n\varepsilon }, n \rightarrow \infty \) for any \(\varepsilon >0\). Then, for every \(\tilde{\varepsilon }<\varepsilon \).
See proof of lemma 7.16 in Bhattacharya and Maiti (2021). \(\square \)
Lemma 7
Suppose \(\mathcal {N}_\varepsilon =\{\varvec{\theta }_{n}: d_{\text {KL}}(\ell _0,\ell _{\varvec{\theta }_{n}})<\varepsilon \}\) and \( \int _{\mathcal {N}_\varepsilon } p(\varvec{\theta }_{n})d\varvec{\theta }_{n}\ge e^{-n\varepsilon }, n\rightarrow \infty \) then for any \(\nu >0\),
See proof of lemma 7.12 in Bhattacharya and Maiti (2021). \(\square \)
Lemma 8
Let \(\eta _{\varvec{\theta }_{n}^*}(\varvec{x})=\varvec{b}_L^*+\varvec{A}_L^* \psi (\varvec{b}_{L-1}^*+\varvec{A}_{L-1}^* \psi ( \cdots \psi (\varvec{b}_1^*+\varvec{A}_1^*\psi (\varvec{b}_0^*+\varvec{A}_0^* \varvec{x})))\) be a fixed neural network. Let \(\eta _{\varvec{\theta }_{n}}(\varvec{x})=\varvec{b}_L+\varvec{A}_L \psi (\varvec{b}_{L-1}+\varvec{A}_{L-1} \psi ( \cdots \psi (\varvec{b}_1+\varvec{A}_1\psi (\varvec{b}_0+\varvec{A}_0 \varvec{x})))\) be a neural network such that
where \(\tilde{k}_{vn}=k_{vn}+1\). Then,
In the proof, we suppress the dependence on n. Define the projection \(P_v\) as \(P_V \eta _{\varvec{\theta }}(\varvec{x})=\varvec{b}_{V-1}+\varvec{A}_{V-1} \psi ( \cdots \psi (\varvec{b}_1+\varvec{A}_1\psi (\varvec{b}_0+\varvec{A}_0\varvec{x})))\). We claim that
We prove this by induction. Let \(v=1\) as follows. Let \(\tilde{\varepsilon }=\varepsilon /\sum _{v=0}^L \tilde{k}_v\prod _{v'=v+1}^L a^*_{v'}\), then
where the second line holds since \(\psi (u)\le 1\) and the third step is shown next. Let \(u=-\varvec{b}_{0}[s]-\varvec{A}_{0}[s]^\top \varvec{x}\) and \(u_\delta =\varvec{b}_{0}[s]+\varvec{A}_{0}[s]^\top \varvec{x}-\varvec{b}_{0}^*[s]+{\varvec{A}_{0}^*[s]}^\top \varvec{x}\), then for \(|u_\delta |<1\)
since \(e^u/((1+e^u)(1+e^{u-1}))\le 1/2\) and \(|e^{u_\delta }-1|\le 2|u_\delta |\) for \(|u_\delta |<1\). Now, \(|u_\delta |=|\varvec{b}_{0}[s] -\varvec{b}_{0}^*[s]|+\sum _{s'=0}^{p_n} |\varvec{A}_0[s][s']-\varvec{A}_0^*[s][s']| \le (p_n+1)\tilde{\varepsilon }<1\).
Suppose the result hold for \(V-1\), we show the result for V as follows:
where the second step follows since \(\psi (u)\le 1\) and the third step follows by relation (B3) provided \(|P_{V-1} \eta _{\varvec{\theta }}(\varvec{x})[s]-P_{V-1} \eta _{\varvec{\theta }^*}(\varvec{x})[s]|\le 1\). But this holds using relation (B2) with \(v=V-1\).
Thus proceeding further we get
This completes the proof.
Lemma 9 shows that if the expected KL densities between two densities is close then the expected log-likelihood ratio between the two densities is also well bounded where expectation is taken with respect to the variational member q. Lemma 10 shows that if functions are close then so is the logistic loss between them. Lemmas 8, 9 and 10 together will serve as tools towards establishing that the variational and true posterior are close in the KL-distance. \(\square \)
Lemma 9
Suppose q satisfies \(\int d_{\textrm{KL}}(\ell _0,\ell _{\varvec{\theta }_{n}}) q(\varvec{\theta }_{n}) d\varvec{\theta }_{n}\le \varepsilon ,\) then for any \(\nu >0\),
See proof of lemma 7.13 in Bhattacharya and Maiti (2021). \(\square \)
Lemma 10
If \(|\eta _0(\varvec{x})-\eta _{\varvec{\theta }_{n}}(\varvec{x})|\le \varepsilon \), then \(|h_{\varvec{\theta }_{n}}(\varvec{x})|\le 2\varepsilon \) where
Note that,
where the second step follows by using \(\sigma (x)=e^{x}/(1+e^x) \le 1\) and the proof of the third step is shown below. \(\square \)
Let \(p=\sigma (\eta _0(\varvec{x}))\), then \(0\le p \le 1\) and \( r=\eta _{\varvec{\theta }_{n}}(\varvec{x})-\eta _0(\varvec{x})\), then
Lemma 11 gives a bound on the first order derivatives of a neural network. Lemma 12 gives a bound on the Hellinger entropy under the sieve \(\mathcal {F}_n\). Lemmas 11 and 12 will serve as tools to bound the Hellinger entropy of the functional sieve space \(\widetilde{\mathcal {F}}_n\) based on \(\mathcal {F}_n\).
Lemma 11
For \(\eta _{\varvec{\theta }_{n}}(\varvec{x})=\varvec{b}_L+\varvec{A}_L \psi (\varvec{b}_{L-1}+\varvec{A}_{L-1} \psi ( \cdots \psi (\varvec{b}_1+\varvec{A}_1\psi (\varvec{b}_0+\varvec{A}_0 \varvec{x})))\),
where \(a_{v'n}=\sup _{v=0, \ldots , k_{(v'+1)n}} ||\varvec{A}_{v'}[v]]||_1\).
We suppress the dependence on n. Let \(P_{V}=\varvec{b}_V+\varvec{A}_V\psi (\cdots \varvec{b}_1+\varvec{A}_1\psi (\varvec{b}_0+\varvec{A}_0 \varvec{x})))\). Define \(G_{V,V}=\varvec{1}_{k_V+1}\) and for \(V=0,\ldots , L\), \(V'=0,\ldots , V-1\), let
where \(\odot \) denotes component wise multiplication.
With \(\psi (P_{-1})=\varvec{x}\), we define
By the above form and the fact that \(\psi (u),\psi '(u),|x_i|\le 1\), it can be easily checked by induction \(|G_{v,L}|\le \prod _{v'=v+1}^L a_{v'}\) which completes the proof. \(\square \)
Lemma 12
Let, \(\widetilde{\mathcal {F}}_n=\{\sqrt{\ell }: \ell _{\varvec{\theta }_{n}}(y,\varvec{x}), \varvec{\theta }_{n} \in \mathcal {F}_n\}\) where \(\ell _{\varvec{\theta }_{n}}(y,\varvec{x})\) is given by
and \(\mathcal {F}_n\) is given by
Then with \(H_{[]}(u,\widetilde{\mathcal {F}}_n,||.||_2)\) is as in Definition 3,
In this proof, we suppress the dependence on n. By lemma 4.1 in Pollard (1990),
For \(\varvec{\theta }_1, \varvec{\theta }_2 \in \mathcal {F}\), let \(\widetilde{\ell }(u)=\sqrt{\ell _{u\varvec{\theta }_1+(1-u)\varvec{\theta }_2}(\varvec{x},y)}\). Following Equation (52) in Bhattacharya and Maiti (2021),
where the upper bound \(F(\varvec{x},y)=(CK)^L\). This is because \(|\partial \widetilde{\ell }/\partial \theta _j|\), the derivative of \(\sqrt{\ell }\) w.r.t. is bounded above by \(|\partial \eta _{\varvec{\theta }}(\varvec{x})/\partial \theta _j|\) as shown below.
Thus, using \(e^{\eta _{\varvec{\theta }}(\varvec{x})}/(1+e^{\eta _{\varvec{\theta }}(\varvec{x})})\) and Lemma 11, we get
In view of (B6) and theorem 2.7.11 in van der Vaart and Wellner (1996), we have
where \(N_{[]}\) and \(H_{[]}\) denote the bracketing number and bracketing entropy as in Definition 3. Using, Lemma 5 with \(M=K^{L+1}C^{L+2}\), we get
The proof follows by noting \(\log \sqrt{2}\varepsilon \ge \log \varepsilon \).
Proposition 13 establishes a bound on the log-likelihood ratio when the neural network lies outside the Hellinger neigborhood of the true density function. Proposition 14 shows that the prior gives negligible probability outside the sieve. Proposition 15 shows that the prior gives sufficiently large probability to KL-neighborhoods of the true density function. Propositions 13, 14 and 15 taken together will be used to establish the posterior consistency of the true posterior. \(\square \)
Proposition 13
Let \(n\epsilon _n^2\rightarrow \infty \). Suppose \(K_n\log n =o(n^b\epsilon _n^2)\), for some \(0<b<1\), \(L_n\sim \log n\) and \(p(\varvec{\theta }_{n})=MVN(\varvec{\mu }_n,\text {diag}(\varvec{\zeta }_n^2))\) where \(\log ||\varvec{\zeta }_n||_\infty =O(\log n)\) and \(||\varvec{\mu }_n||_2^2=o(n\epsilon _n^2)\). Then for every \(\varepsilon >0\),
It suffices to show
The expression on the left above is bounded above by
Using lemma 12 with \(\varepsilon =\varepsilon \epsilon _n\) and \(C_n=e^{n^b\epsilon _n^2/K_n}\),
where \(H_{[]}(u,\widetilde{\mathcal {F}}_n,||.||_2)\) is as in Definition 3. The first inequality in the third step follows because \(L_n\sim \log n\), \(K_n\log n=o(n^b\epsilon _n^2)\) and \(K_n\log C_n =n^b \epsilon _n^2\), \( -\log \epsilon _n^2\le \log n\). The second inequality in the third step is by \((n^b \log n)/n=o(1)\)
By theorem 1 in Wing Hung and Xiaotong (1995), for some constant \(C>0\), we have
Using proposition 14 with \(\varepsilon =2\varepsilon \), we have
Therefore, using Lemma 6 with \(\varepsilon =2\varepsilon ^2\epsilon _n^2\) and \(\tilde{\varepsilon }={\varepsilon }^2 \epsilon _n^2\), we have
Combining (B8) and (B9), (B7) follows. \(\square \)
Proposition 14
Let \(n\epsilon _n^2\rightarrow \infty \). Let \(p(\varvec{\theta }_{n})=MVN(\varvec{\mu }_n,\text {diag}(\varvec{\zeta }_n^2))\) where \(\log ||\varvec{\zeta }_n||_\infty =O(\log n)\) and \(||\varvec{\mu }_n||_2^2=o(n\epsilon _n^2)\). Suppose for some \(0<b<1\), \(K_n\log n=o(n^b\epsilon _n^2)\), then for \(C_n=e^{n^b \epsilon _n^2/K_n}\) and \(\mathcal {F}_n\) as in (33), for any \(\varepsilon >0\),
Let \(\mathcal {F}_{jn}=\{\theta _{jn}: |\theta _{jn}|\le C_n\}\), then \(\mathcal {F}_n=\cap _{j=1}^{K_n} \mathcal {F}_{jn}\implies \mathcal {F}_n^c= \cap _{j=1}^{K_n}\mathcal {F}_{jn}^c\). This implies \(\int _{\varvec{\theta }_{n} \in \mathcal {F}_n^c}p(\varvec{\theta }_{n})d\varvec{\theta }_{n}\le \sum _{j=1}^{K_n}\int _{\mathcal {F}_{jn}^c}(e^{-\frac{(\theta _{jn}-\mu _{jn})^2}{2\zeta _{jn}^2}}/\sqrt{2\pi \zeta _{jn}^2})d\theta _{jn}\). Thus,
Since \(||\varvec{\mu }_n||_2^2=o(n\epsilon _n^2) \implies ||\varvec{\mu }_n||_\infty =o(\sqrt{n}\epsilon _n)\). Since \(\log ||\varvec{\zeta }_n||_\infty =O(\log n)\) which implies for some \(M>0\), \(d\ge 1\),
where the last convergence holds since \(K_n\log n=o(n^b \epsilon _n^2)\). This further implies \(R_n=(n^b \epsilon _n^2)/(K_n\log n)-(d+1) \rightarrow \infty \). Thus, using Mill’s ratio, we get:
where the last asymptotic inequality holds because
In the above step, the first asymptotic equivalence is by (B10), the second inequality holds since \(K_n\le n\). The last inequality is by \(R_n \rightarrow \infty \) and \(\log /n\rightarrow 0\). \(\square \)
Proposition 15
Let \(p(\varvec{\theta }_{n})=MVN(\varvec{\mu }_n,\text {diag}(\varvec{\zeta }_n^2))\) with \(\log ||\varvec{\zeta }_n||_\infty =O(\log n)\), \(||\varvec{\zeta }^*_n||_\infty =O(1)\). Let \(||\eta _0-\eta _{\varvec{\theta }^*_n}||_1\le \varepsilon \epsilon _n^2/4\), \(n\epsilon _n^2 \rightarrow \infty \). Define,
If \(K_n\log n =o(n\epsilon _n^2)\), \(||\varvec{\theta }^*_n||_2^2=o(n\epsilon _n^2)\), \(\log (\sum _{v=0}^{L_n} k_{vn}\prod _{v'=v+1}^{L_n} a^*_{v'n})=O(\log n)\), \(||\varvec{\mu }_n||_2^2=o(n\epsilon _n^2)\),
Let \(\eta _{\varvec{\theta }^*_n}(\varvec{x})=\varvec{b}_L^*+\varvec{A}_L^* \psi (\varvec{b}_{L-1}^*+\varvec{A}_{L-1}^* \psi ( \cdots \psi (\varvec{b}_1^*+\varvec{A}_1^*\psi (\varvec{b}_0^*+\varvec{A}_0^* \varvec{x})))\) be the neural network such that
Such a neural network exists since \(||\eta _0-\eta _{\varvec{\theta }^*_n}||_1\le \varepsilon \epsilon _n^2/4\). Next define \(\mathcal {M}_{\varepsilon \epsilon _n^2}\) as:
where \(\tilde{k}_{vn}=k_{vn}+1\). For every \(\varvec{\theta }_{n} \in \mathcal {M}_{\varepsilon \epsilon _n^2}\), by Lemma 8, we have
Combining (B12) and (B13), we get for \(\varvec{\theta }_{n}\in \mathcal {M}_{\varepsilon \epsilon _n^2}\), \(||\eta _{\varvec{\theta }_{n}}-\eta _{0}||_1 \le \varepsilon \epsilon _n^2/2\).
This, in view of Lemma 10, \(d_{\textrm{KL}}(\ell _0,\ell _{\varvec{\theta }_{n}}) \le \varepsilon \epsilon _n^2\). Let \(\varvec{\theta }_{n} \in \mathcal {N}_{\varepsilon \epsilon _n^2}\) for every \(\varvec{\theta }_{n} \in \mathcal {M}_{\varepsilon \epsilon _n^2}\). Therefore,
Let \(\delta _n=\varepsilon \epsilon _n^2/(2\sum _{v=0}^{L_n} \tilde{k}_{vn}\prod _{v'=v+1}^{L_n} a^*_{v'n})\), then
where the second last equality holds by mean value theorem.
Note that \(\widehat{\theta }_{jn} \in [\theta _{jn}^*-1,\theta _{jn}^*+1]\) since \(\delta _n \rightarrow 0\), therefore
where the last inequality follows since \((a+b)^2\le 2(a^2+b^2)\). Also,
since \(||\varvec{\theta }^*_n||_2^2=o(n\epsilon _n^2)\), \(||\varvec{\mu }_n||_2^2=o(n\epsilon _n^2)\) and \(||\varvec{\zeta }_n^*||_\infty =O(1)\) and \(n\epsilon _n^2 \rightarrow \infty \). Also,
where the last follows since \(\log ||\varvec{\zeta }_n||_\infty =O(\log n)\), \(\log (\sum _{v=0}^{L_n} k_{vn}\prod _{v'=v+1}^{L_n} a^*_{v'n})=O(\log n)\) and \(1/n\epsilon _n^2=o(1)\) which implies \(-2\log \epsilon _n=o(\log n)\).
where the last inequality follows since \(K_n\log n=o(n\epsilon _n^2)\),
Combining (B15) and (B16) and replacing (B14), the proof follows.
Proposition 16 establishes that under a suitable choice of the variational family q and the prior p, the KL distance between p and q is suitably bounded. Proposition 17 shows that the integral of the logistic loss between the neural network model and the true model with respect to the variational family q is small. Propositions 15, 16 and 17 taken together will be used to establish that the KL-distance between the true posterior and the variational posterior is suitably bounded. \(\square \)
Proposition 16
For \(\log ||\varvec{\zeta }_n||_\infty =O(\log n)\) and \(||\varvec{\zeta }^*_n||_\infty =O(1)\), let \(q(\varvec{\theta }_{n})=MVN(\varvec{\theta }^*_n,I_{K_n}/n^{2+2d})\) and \(p(\varvec{\theta }_{n})=MVN(\varvec{\mu }_n,\text {diag}(\varvec{\zeta }_n^2))\). Let \(K_n\log n\) \(=o(n\epsilon _n^2)\), \(||\varvec{\theta }^*_n||_2^2=o(n\epsilon _n^2)\), \(||\varvec{\mu }_n||_2^2=o(n\epsilon _n^2)\) and \(n\epsilon _n^2 \rightarrow \infty \), then for any \(\nu >0\),
where the second last inequality uses \(\varvec{\zeta }^*_n=1/\varvec{\zeta }_n\). The last equality follows since \(\log ||\varvec{\zeta }_n||_{\infty }=O(\log n)\), \(||\varvec{\zeta }_n^*||_\infty =O(1)\), \(K_n\log n=o(n\epsilon _n^2)\), \(||\varvec{\mu }_n||_2^2=o(n\epsilon _n^2)\) and \(||\varvec{\theta }^*_n||_2^2=o(n\epsilon _n^2)\). \(\square \)
Proposition 17
Let \(q(\varvec{\theta }_{n}) \sim MVN(\varvec{\theta }^*_n,I_{K_n}/n^{2+2d})\) where \(d>d^*>0\) and \(\sum _{v=0}^{L_n} k_{vn}\prod _{v'=v+1}^{L_n} a^*_{v'n}=O(n^{d^*})\). Define
Let \(||\eta _0-\eta _{\varvec{\theta }^*_n}||_1\le \varepsilon \epsilon _n^2/4\) where \(n\epsilon _n^2 \rightarrow \infty \). If \(K_n\log n=o(n\epsilon _n^2)\), \(||\varvec{\theta }^*_n||_2^2=o(n\epsilon _n^2)\),
Since \(h(\varvec{\theta }_{n})\) is a KL-distance, \(h(\varvec{\theta }_{n})>0\). We establish an upper bound:
where the first inequality is a consequence of Lemma 10 and the last inequality follows since \(||\eta _{\varvec{\theta }_{n}^*}-\eta _0||_1=o(\epsilon _n^2)\).
Let \(S=\{\varvec{\theta }_{n}:\cap _{j=1}^{K_n}|\theta _{jn}-\theta _{jn}^*|\le \varepsilon \epsilon _n^2/(\sum _{v=0}^L \tilde{k}_{vn}\prod _{v'=v+1}^{L_n} a^*_{v'n}) \}\), then
Let \(S^c=\cup _{j=1}^{K_n}S_j^c\), \(S_j=\{|\theta _{jn}-\theta _{jn}^*|\le u_n\}\), \(u_n=\varepsilon \epsilon _n^2/(\sum _{v=0}^L \tilde{k}_{vn}\prod _{v'=v+1}^{L_n} a^*_{v'n})\). We first compute \(Q(S^c)\) as follows:
Using (B19) in the last term of (B18), we get
where second step follows by Mill’s ratio, \(K_n=o(n\epsilon _n^2)\), \(\sum _{v=0}^{L_n} k_{vn}\prod _{v'=v+1}^{L_n} a^*_{v'n}=O(n^d)\) which implies \(n^{1+d}u_n \rightarrow \infty \). The third step holds because
since \((\sum _{v=0}^L \tilde{k}_{vn}\prod _{v'=v+1}^{L_n} a^*_{v'n} )^2 \log n=O(n^{2d^*} \log n)=o(n^{2d})\).
For the second term in (B18), let \({S'}=\{|\varvec{b}_L[s]-\varvec{b}_L^*[s]|>u_n\}\)
\(\tilde{S}^c\) is the union of all \(S_j^c\), \(j=1, \ldots , K_n\) except the one corresponding to \(\varvec{b}_{L}[s]\).
Also, \(E_{q(\varvec{b}_L[s])}|\varvec{b}_L[s]-\varvec{b}_L^*[s]|=\sqrt{2/\pi }(1/n^{1+d})\). Thus
where the first equality in the above step follows by observing that \(Q(\tilde{S}^c)\) behaves analogous to \(Q(S^c)\) which was computed in (B19) and the second equality in the above step follows due to Mill’s ratio and \(\sum _{v=0}^L \tilde{k}_{vn}\prod _{v'=v+1}^{L_n} a^*_{v'n}=O(n^v)\) which implies \(n^{1+d} u_n \rightarrow \infty \). The third inequality in the above step is a consequence of the fact that \(K_n\le n^{1+d}\).
Combining (B20), (B23) and (B24), we get
Note the third term in (B18) can be handled similar to third term and it can be shown
where the last equality in the second step follows by \(K_n=o(n \epsilon _n^2)\) and the argument in (B21) by which \(e^{-(n^{1+d}u_n-2\log n)}=o(1)\).
Combining (B20) and (B26) with (B18) the proof follows.
Using Propositions 15, 16 and 17, the following Proposition 18 establishes that the KL-distance between the true posterior and the variational posterior is suitably bounded. \(\square \)
Proposition 18
Let \(p(\varvec{\theta }_{n})=MVN(\varvec{\mu }_n,\text {diag}(\varvec{\zeta }_n^2))\), \(||\varvec{\zeta }_n||_\infty =O(n)\) and \(||\varvec{\zeta }^*_n||_\infty =O(1)\).
Let \(L_n=L\), \(p_n=p\) independent of n. If \(K_n\log n=o(n)\) and \(||\varvec{\mu }_n||_2^2=o(n)\), then
$$\begin{aligned} d_{\textrm{KL}}(\pi ^*,\pi (.|\varvec{y}_{n},\varvec{X}_{n}))=o_{P_0^n}(n) \end{aligned}$$(B27) -
Let \(K_n\log n=o(n\epsilon _n^2)\), \(L_n \sim \log n\) and \(||\varvec{\mu }_n||_2^2=o(n\epsilon _n^2)\). If there exists a neural network such that \(||\eta _0-\eta _{\varvec{\theta }^*_n}||_1=o(n\epsilon _n^2)\), \(||\varvec{\theta }^*_n||_2^2=o(n\epsilon _n^2)\) and \(\log (\sum _{v=0}^{L_n} \tilde{k}_{vn}\prod _{v'=v+1}^{L_n} a^*_{v'n})=O(\log n)\), then
$$\begin{aligned} d_{\textrm{KL}}(\pi ^*,\pi (.|\varvec{y}_{n},\varvec{X}_{n}))=o_{P_0^n}(n\epsilon _n^2) \end{aligned}$$(B28)
For any \(q \in \mathcal {Q}_n\).
Since \(\pi ^*\) satisfies minimizes the KL-distance to \(\pi (.|\varvec{y}_{n},\varvec{X}_{n})\) in the family \(\mathcal {Q}_n\), therefore for any \(\kappa >0\)
\(\square \)
Proof of part 1
Note, \(K_n\log n=o(n)\), \(||\mu _n||_2^2 =o(n)\), \(||\varvec{\zeta }_n||_\infty =O(n)\) and \(||\varvec{\zeta }^*_n||_\infty =O(1)\). Let \(q(\varvec{\theta }_{n})=MVN(\varvec{\theta }^*_n, \varvec{I}_{K_n}/\sqrt{n})\) where \(\varvec{\theta }^*_n\) is defined next. For \(N\ge 1\), let \(\eta _{\varvec{\theta }^*_N}\) be a finite neural network approximation satisfying \(||\eta _{\varvec{\theta }^*_n}-\eta _0||_1 \le \varepsilon /4\). Since \(\eta _0\) is a continuous function defined on the compact set \([0,1]^p\), thus the existence of such a neural network is guaranteed by Theorem 2.1 in Hornik et al. (1989). Let \(\varvec{\theta }_{n}^*\) be \(\varvec{\theta }_N^*\) for all non zero coefficients and zeros for all non existent coefficients.
Step 1 (a): Using proposition 16, with \(\epsilon _n=1\), we get for any \(\nu >0\),
where the above step follows \(||\varvec{\theta }^*_n||_2^2=||\varvec{\theta }^*_N||_2^2=||\varvec{\theta }^*_n||_2^2=o(n)\).
Step 1 (b): Next, note that
Since \(||\eta _0-\eta _{\varvec{\theta }^*_n}||_1 \le \varepsilon /4\), using proposition 17 with \(\epsilon _n=1\) and \(\varepsilon =\varepsilon \), \(\int d_{\textrm{KL}}(\ell _0,\ell _{\varvec{\theta }_{n}})q(\varvec{\theta }_{n})d\varvec{\theta }_{n} \le \varepsilon \) which follows by noting that \(||\varvec{\theta }^*_n||_2^2=||\varvec{\theta }^*_N||_2^2=o(n)\) and \(\log (\sum _{v=0}^{L} \tilde{k}_{vN}\prod _{v'=v+1}^{L} a^*_{v'N})=O(\log n)\).
Therefore, by Lemma 9,
Step 1 (c): Since \(||\eta _0-\eta _{\varvec{\theta }^*_n}||_1\le \varepsilon /4\), using proposition 15 with \(\epsilon _n=1\) and \(\nu =\varepsilon \),
which follows by \(||\varvec{\theta }^*_n||_2^2=||\varvec{\theta }^*_N||_2^2=o(n)\) and \(\log (\sum _{v=0}^{L} \tilde{k}_{vn}\prod _{v'=v+1}^{L} a^*_{v'n})=O(\log n)\). Therefore, using Lemma 7, we get
Step 1 (d): From (B30) and (B29) we get
where the last inequality is a consequence of (B31), (B33) and (B34).
Since \(\varepsilon \) is arbitrary, taking \(\varepsilon \rightarrow 0\) completes the proof. \(\square \)
Proof of part 2
Note, \(K_n\log n=o(n\epsilon _n^2)\), \(||\mu _n||_2^2 =o(n\epsilon _n^2)\), \(\log ||\varvec{\zeta }_n||_\infty =O(\log n)\) and \(||\varvec{\zeta }^*_n||_\infty =O(1)\). Let \(q(\varvec{\theta }_{n})=MVN(\varvec{\theta }^*_n, \varvec{I}_{K_n}/n^{2+2d}), d>d^*\) where \(\sum _{v=0}^{L_n} \tilde{k}_{vn}\prod _{v'=v+1}^{L_n} a^*_{v'n}=O(n^{d^*})\), \(d^*>0\). We next define \(\varvec{\theta }_{n}^*\) as follows:
Let \(\eta _{\varvec{\theta }^*_n}\) be the neural satisfying
The existence of such a neural network is guaranteed since \(||\eta _{\varvec{\theta }^*_n}-\eta _0||_1=o(\epsilon _n^2)\).
Step 2 (a): Since \(||\varvec{\theta }^*_n||_2^2=o(n\epsilon _n^2)\), by proposition 16,
Step 2 (b): By proposition 17, since \(||\eta _{\varvec{\theta }^*_n}-\eta _0||_1\le \varepsilon \epsilon _n^2/4\), \(||\varvec{\theta }^*_n||_2^2=o(n\epsilon _n^2)\) and \((\sum _{v=0}^{L_n} \tilde{k}_{vn}\prod _{v'=v+1}^{L_n} a^*_{v'n})\log n=o(n\epsilon _n^2)\), we have
Therefore, by Lemma 9,
Step 2 (c): By proposition 15, since \(||\eta _{\varvec{\theta }^*_n}-\eta _0||_1\le \varepsilon \epsilon _n^2/4\), \(||\varvec{\theta }^*_n||_2^2=o(n\epsilon _n^2)\)and \(\log (\sum _{v=0}^{L_n} \tilde{k}_{vn}\prod _{v'=v+1}^{L_n} a^*_{v'n})=O(\log n)\), we have
Therefore, using Lemma 7, we get
Step 2 (d): From (B30) and (B29) we get
where the last inequality is a consequence of (B36), (B37) and (B38).
Since \(\varepsilon \) is arbitrary, taking \(\varepsilon \rightarrow 0\) completes the proof. \(\square \)
Appendix C Consistency of the variational posterior
Proof of Theorem 1
We assume Relation (32) holds with \(A_n\) and \(B_n\) are same as in (31).
By assumptions (A1) and (A2), the prior parameters satisfy
Note \(K_n \sim n^a\), \(0<a<1\) which implies \(K_n\log n=o(n)\). By proposition 18 part 1.,
By step 1 (c) in the proof of proposition 18
Since, \(K_n \sim n^a\), \(K_n\log n=o(n^b)\), \(a<b<1\). Using proposition 13 with \(\epsilon _n=1\),
Thus, using (C40), (C41) and (C42) in (32), we get
\(\square \)
Proof of Theorem 2
We assume Relation (32) holds with \(A_n\) and \(B_n\) are same as in (31).
Let \(K_n\sim n^a\) and \(\epsilon _n^2\sim n^{-\delta }\), \(0<\delta <1-a\). This implies \(K_n\log n=o(n\epsilon _n^2)\).
By assumptions (A1) and (A4), the prior parameters satisfy
Also by assumption (A3),
By proposition 18 part 2.,
By step 2 (c) in the proof of proposition 18
Since \(K_n \sim n^a\), \(K_n\log n=o(n^b \epsilon _n^2)\), \(a+\delta<b<1\). Using proposition 13, it follows that
Thus, using (C43), (C44) and (C45) in (32), we get
\(\square \)
Proof of Corollary 1
Let \(\hat{\ell }_n(y,\varvec{x})=\int \ell _{\varvec{\theta }_{n}}(y,\varvec{x}) \pi ^*(\varvec{\theta }_{n})d\varvec{\theta }_{n}\).
Taking \(\varepsilon \rightarrow 0\), we get \(d_{\text {H}}(\hat{\ell }_n,\ell _0)=o_{P_0^n}(1)\). Let
then, note that \(\hat{\eta }(\varvec{x})=\log ( \hat{\ell }_n(1,\varvec{x})/\hat{\ell }_n(0,\varvec{x}))\). Further,
This implies
In the above equation, the sixth and the seventh step hold because \(\sqrt{1-x}\le 1-x/2\) and \(|p_1-p_2|\le |\sqrt{p_1}+\sqrt{p_2}||\sqrt{p_1}-\sqrt{p_2}|\le 2|\sqrt{p_1}-\sqrt{p_2}|\) respectively. The fifth step holds because
By (C47) and Cauchy Schwartz inequality,
The proof follows in lieu (35). \(\square \)
Proof of Corollary 2
We assume Relation (32) holds with \(A_n\) and \(B_n\) are same as in (31).
Let \(K_n\sim n^a\) and \(\epsilon _n^2\sim n^{-\delta }\), \(0<\delta <1-a\). This implies \(K_n\log n=o(n\epsilon _n^2)\).
Also, \(K_n\log n=o(n^b \epsilon _n^2)\), \(a+\delta<b<1\). This implies \(K_n\log n =o(n^b (\epsilon _n^2)^\kappa )\), \(0\le \kappa \le 1\). Thus, using proposition 13 with \(\epsilon _n=\epsilon _n^{k}\), we get
This together with (C43), (C44) and (32) implies \(\pi ^*(\mathcal {U}_{\varepsilon \epsilon _n^\kappa }^c)=o_{P_0^n}(\epsilon _n^{2-2\kappa })\).
Let \(\hat{\ell }_n(y,\varvec{x})=\int \ell _{\varvec{\theta }_{n}}(y,\varvec{x}) \pi ^*(\varvec{\theta }_{n})d\varvec{\theta }_{n}\), then
Dividing by \(\epsilon _n^\kappa \) on both sides we get
By (C48), for every \(0\le \kappa \le 2/3\),
The proof follows in lieu of (35). \(\square \)
Appendix D Consistency of the true posterior
From (11), note that
Theorem 19
Suppose conditions of Theorem 1 hold. Then,
$$\begin{aligned} P_0^n\left( \pi (\mathcal {U}_{\varepsilon }^c|\varvec{y}_{n},\varvec{X}_{n})\le 2e^{-n\varepsilon ^2/2}\right) \rightarrow 1, n \rightarrow \infty \end{aligned}$$
$$\begin{aligned} P_0^n(|R(\hat{C})-R(C^\textrm{Bayes})|\le 8\sqrt{2}\varepsilon )\rightarrow 1,n \rightarrow \infty \end{aligned}$$
By assumptions (A1) and (A2), the prior parameters satisfy
Note \(K_n \sim n^a\), \(0<a<1\) which implies \(K_n\log n=o(n)\). Thus, the conditions of proposition 15 hold with \(\epsilon _n=1\).
\(n \rightarrow \infty \) which follows from (B34) (see step 1 (c) in proof of proposition 18). Since \(K_n\log n=o(n^b)\), \(a<b<1\), the proposition 13 holds with \(\epsilon _n=1\).
where the last equality follows from (B7) with \(\epsilon _n=1\) in the proof of proposition 13. Using (D51) and (D52) with (D50), we get
Take \(\nu =\varepsilon ^2/2\) to complete the proof. Mimicking the steps in the proof of corollary 1,
where the second last inequality is a consequence of part 1. in Theorem 19. The remaining part of the proof follows by (C48) and (35). \(\square \)
Theorem 20
Suppose conditions of Theorem 2 hold. Then,
$$\begin{aligned} P_0^n\left( \pi (\mathcal {U}_{\varepsilon \epsilon _n}^c|\varvec{y}_{n},\varvec{X}_{n})\le 2e^{-n\epsilon _n^2\varepsilon ^2/2}\right) \rightarrow 1, n \rightarrow \infty \end{aligned}$$
$$\begin{aligned} P_0^n(|R(\hat{C})-R(C^\textrm{Bayes})|\le 8\sqrt{2}\varepsilon \epsilon _n)\rightarrow 1,n \rightarrow \infty \end{aligned}$$
By assumptions (A1) and (A4), the prior parameters satisfy
Also by assumption (A3),
Note \(K_n \sim n^a\), \(0<a<1\) and \(\epsilon _n\sim n^{-\delta }\), \(0<\delta <1-a\), thus \(K_n\log n=o(n\epsilon _n^2)\). Thus, the conditions of proposition 15 hold.
for \( n \rightarrow \infty \) where the above convergence follows from (B38) in step 2 (c) in the proof of proposition 18. Also, since \(K_n\log n=o(n^b \epsilon _n^2)\), \(a+\delta<b<1\). Thus conditions of proposition 13 hold.
where the last equality follows from (B7) in the proof of proposition 13.
Using (D53) and (D54) with (D50), we get \(P_0^n\left( \pi (\mathcal {U}_{\varepsilon \epsilon _n}^c|\varvec{y}_{n},\varvec{X}_{n})\ge 2e^{-n\epsilon _n^2(\varepsilon ^2-\nu )}\right) \rightarrow 0, n \rightarrow \infty \). Take \(\nu =\varepsilon ^2/2\) to complete the proof. Mimicking the steps in the proof of corollary 2,
where the second last inequality is a consequence of part 1. in Theorem 20 and the last inequality last equality follows since \(\epsilon _n \sim n^{-\delta }\). Dividing by \(\epsilon _n\) on both sides we get
The remaining part of the proof follows by (C48) and (35). \(\square \)
Appendix E Tables for real data
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Bhattacharya, S., Liu, Z. & Maiti, T. Comprehensive study of variational Bayes classification for dense deep neural networks. Stat Comput 34, 17 (2024). https://doi.org/10.1007/s11222-023-10338-9
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s11222-023-10338-9