In this paper, we propose a new structured P2P overlay network, named SW-Uinta(small-world). In order to reduce the routing latency, we firstly construct the Uinta network in which both physical characteristics of network and data semantic are considered. Furthermore, based on Uinta, a nondeterministic caching strategy is employed to allow for poly-logarithmic search time while having only a constant cache size. Compared with the deterministic caching strategy proposed by previous P2P systems, the nondeterministic caching strategy can reduce communication overhead for maintaining the routing cache table. Cache entries in the cache table of peer nodes can be updated by subsequent queries rather than only by running stabilization periodically. In the following, a novel cache replacement scheme, named the SW cache replacement scheme, is used to improve lookup performance, which has proved to satisfy the small-world principle. So we call this network SW-Uinta(small-world). After that, according to the theoretical analysis, it can be proved that SW-Uinta(small-world) can get O((log 2 N)/k) search time with O(k) cache size. Lastly, the performance of SW-Uinta(small-world) is compared with those of other structured P2P networks such as Chord and Uinta. It shows that SW-Uinta(small-world) can achieve improved object lookup performance and reduce maintenance cost.
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This paper is supported by National Science Foundation of China under Grant 60433040, and CNGI projects under Grants CNGI-04-12-2A and CNGI-04-12-1D.
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Xu, J., Jin, H. A structured P2P network based on the small world phenomenon. J Supercomput 48, 264–285 (2009). https://doi.org/10.1007/s11227-008-0219-8
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s11227-008-0219-8