In this paper, we have proposed two backfill scheduling optimizations, i.e., Shortest Width First Backfill (SWFBF) and Shortest Area First Backfill (SAFBF). A near optimal simple, but effective job packing algorithm called the Select-Replace algorithm has also been presented to minimize external fragmentation. Proof of the concept has been given with the help of a simulation study. Five workloads which were derived from a clean version of the parallel workload archive (CTC, LANL, and SDSC. NASA) have been used to evaluate and compare proposed heuristics with previous techniques. With the simple but effective optimizations, significant (56.1%) performance improvement has been achieved as compared to EASY scheduler.
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Hussain Shah, S.M., Qureshi, K. & Rasheed, H. Optimal job packing, a backfill scheduling optimization for a cluster of workstations. J Supercomput 54, 381–399 (2010). https://doi.org/10.1007/s11227-009-0332-3
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s11227-009-0332-3