The Covering Arrays (CAs) are mathematical objects with minimal coverage and maximum cardinality that are a good tool for the design of experiments. A covering array is an N×k matrix over an alphabet v s.t. each N×k subset contains at least one time each combination from {0,1,…,v−1}t, given a positive integer value t. The process of ensuring that a CA contains each of the v t combinations is called verification of CA. In this paper, we present an algorithm for CA verification and its implementation details in three different computation paradigms: (a) sequential approach (SA); (b) parallel approach (PA); and (c) Grid approach (GA). Four different PAs were compared in their performance of verifying a matrix as a CA; the PA with the best performance was included in a different experimentation where the three paradigms, SA, PA, and GA were compared in a benchmark composed by 45 possible CA instances. The results showed the limitations of the different paradigms when solving the verification of CA problem, and points out the necessity of a Grid approach to solve the problem when the size of a CA grows.

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The authors thankfully acknowledge the computer resources and assistance provided by Spanish Supercomputing Network (TIRANT-UV). This research work was partially funded by the following projects: CONACyT 58554, Calculo de Covering Arrays; 51623 Fondo Mixto CONACyT y Gobierno del Estado de Tamaulipas.
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Avila-George, H., Torres-Jimenez, J., Rangel-Valdez, N. et al. Supercomputing and grid computing on the verification of covering arrays. J Supercomput 62, 916–945 (2012). https://doi.org/10.1007/s11227-012-0763-0
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s11227-012-0763-0