“Cyber-Physical Systems” (CPS) have emerged as the next technological revolution. These new systems are commonly supported by a collection of ad hoc connected devices which typically collaborate in order to control some physical processes. However, in recent years, many other applications based on the CPS paradigm have been reported. In particular, executing user-defined processes over a cyber-physical infrastructure is a very promising technology for the future. Therefore, in this paper, we propose a scheme which allows the creation of user-defined processes, their decomposition and translation into executable orders or code, and their execution using the locally available cyber-physical infrastructure, cloud services and/or other services offered by remote CPS through the Cyber-Physical Internet. The proposed solution also enables the execution of processes with a guaranteed QoS. Moreover, an experimental validation is provided in order to evaluate the proposed technology performance. In particular, it is proved that more than 95% of processes are correctly executed, and only in a 2% of cases the minimum cost execution is not selected.
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The research leading to these results has received funding from the Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness through SEMOLA Project (TEC2015-68284-R) and from the Autonomous Region of Madrid through MOSI-AGIL-CM Project (Grant P2013/ICE-3019, co-funded by EU Structural Funds FSE and FEDER). Borja Bordel has received funding from the Ministry of Education through the FPU Program (Grant No. FPU15/03977).
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Bordel, B., Alcarria, R., de Rivera, D.S. et al. Process execution in Cyber-Physical Systems using cloud and Cyber-Physical Internet services. J Supercomput 74, 4127–4169 (2018). https://doi.org/10.1007/s11227-018-2416-4
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s11227-018-2416-4