In partially run-time reconfigurable (PRR) FPGAs, hardware tasks should be configured before their execution. The configuration delay imposed by the reconfiguration process increases the total execution time of the hardware tasks and task graphs. In this paper, a new technique named forefront-fetch is presented to improve the makespan of hardware task graphs running on PRR FPGAs via alleviating the adverse effects of the configuration delays. In this technique, which is applied to a sequence of task graphs, the configuration of some tasks is carried out within the execution phase of the previous task graph. This strategy leads to hide the configuration delay of the forefront-fetched tasks that as a result improves the execution time. The proposed solution modifies the schedules of the task graphs at design time to obtain a set of schedule pairs for the run-time environment. Experiments on actual and synthesized task graphs demonstrate the ability of the proposed technique in improving the makespan of hardware task graphs. The obtained results show that for a set of task graphs running on Xilinx™ Virtex-5 XUPV5LX110T FPGA, makespan is improved by 37.81% on average. Moreover, the proposed solution outperforms state-of-the-art prefetch-aware scheduling strategies by 14.78% makespan improvement.

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Ramezani, R. A prefetch-aware scheduling for FPGA-based multi-task graph systems. J Supercomput 76, 7140–7160 (2020). https://doi.org/10.1007/s11227-020-03153-w
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s11227-020-03153-w