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High performance of brain emotional intelligent controller for DTC-SVM based sensorless induction motor drive

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This paper introduces the application of the induction motor (IM) drive brain emotional intelligent controller (BEIC). Intelligent regulation, modelled on the human brain, is capable of generating impulses and is used as a controller. A Model Reference Adaptive System is developed using stator current and stator voltages, which are further developed with BEIC to approximate the rotor rpm. This paper proposes that speed estimation using BEIC for direct torque control (DTC) of IM drive. The experimental work is conducted on a hardware-in-loop mechanism using a real-time digital simulator (Op-RTDS-OP5600). The simulation and test results are discussed. The proposed method is compared to the DTC-SVM-based IM drive speed control with the existing controllers.

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Fig. 1
Fig. 2
Fig. 3
Fig. 4
Fig. 5
Fig. 6
Fig. 7
Fig. 8
Fig. 9
Fig. 10

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We are very grateful to thank Principal JNTUH, Hyderabad and Ministry of Science Technology, GOI, New Delhi for providing facility of sponsored DST Project under CSRI.

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Correspondence to Sridhar Savarapu.

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Parameters of induction motor



Ps = 120 W,Vs = 36 V,

Rs = 0.896Ω, Lls = 1.94 mH

3ΦC, f = 120 Hz

Rr = 1.82Ω, Llr = 2.45 mH,

Is = 6A, P = 4

Lm = 69.3 mH

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Savarapu, S., Narri, Y. High performance of brain emotional intelligent controller for DTC-SVM based sensorless induction motor drive. J Supercomput 77, 8745–8766 (2021).

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