The Internet of Things (IoT) is evolving rapidly, increasing demand for safeguarding data against routing attacks. While achieving complete security for RPL protocols remains an ongoing challenge, this paper introduces an innovative hybrid autoencoder–decision tree framework (HADTF) designed to detect four types of RPL attacks: decreased rank, version number, DIS flooding, and blackhole attacks. The HADTF comprises three key components: enhanced feature extraction, feature selection, and a hybrid autoencoder–decision tree classifier. The enhanced feature extraction module identifies the most pertinent features from the raw data collected, while the feature selection component carefully curates’ optimal features to reduce dimensionality. The hybrid autoencoder–decision tree classifier synergizes the strengths of both techniques, resulting in high accuracy and detection rates while effectively minimizing false positives and false negatives. To assess the effectiveness of the HADTF, we conducted evaluations using a self-generated dataset. The results demonstrate impressive performance with an accuracy of 97.41%, precision of 97%, recall of 97%, and F1-score of 97%. These findings underscore the potential of the HADTF as a promising solution for detecting RPL attacks within IoT networks.

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The dataset of this manuscript is under development to add more attacks.
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The work reported in this paper has been supported by Beijing Natural Science Foundation (IS23054).
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Musa Osman likely led the development of the proposed framework (HADTF) and conducted experiments. He contributed to the paper’s technical content and analysis. Jingsha He (PhD supervisor) provided guidance and expertise in machine learning and autoencoder models. He played a mentorship role in the research and paper writing. Nafei Zhu (corresponding author) coordinated the research efforts and communication. She contributed to the research design, objectives, and manuscript preparation. Fawaz Mahiuob Mohammed Mokbal was involved in data collection and experiment design. He contributed to results analysis and practical implications. Asaad Ahmed provided domain-specific knowledge in IoT security. He contributed to defining threat models and background information.
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Osman, M., He, J., Zhu, N. et al. HADTF: a hybrid autoencoder–decision tree framework for improved RPL-based attack detection in IoT networks based on enhanced feature selection approach. J Supercomput 80, 26333–26362 (2024). https://doi.org/10.1007/s11227-024-06453-7
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s11227-024-06453-7