Considering the rampant spread of information over the web, identifying the credibility of these contents is challenging. Although numerous automated approaches have been defined in the literature for veracity classification, generating a relevant and rich set of features is still a need of time. To fill the gaps mentioned above, the authors in this research have developed a novel feature mash-up approach, which consists of stance, pragmatic, and sentiment features. Further, veracity assessment algorithm (VAA) is proposed based on the newly generated feature bag, which assigns weights to the novel features using linear regression and classifies the veracity of information. Exhaustive experimentation showed that VAA outperformed other machine learning, ensemble learning, baseline classifier, and baseline studies in the literature with 91.40% accuracy. Further, when implemented with an incremental learning approach, the VAA showed an improved accuracy of 94.47%. To test the robustness of the algorithm, the experimentation was performed on two datasets, wherein VAA outperformed other algorithms in both the datasets. Therefore, newly generated feature bags can be used separately to classify stances, sentiments, and pragmatics in the natural language processing problems, and can assist in solving the problems from other research areas such as hate speech and sarcasm detection.

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Dataset will be accessible through Kaggle.
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Saini, J.R., Vaidya, S. A veracity assessment algorithm for classification of healthcare information using feature bag mash-up approach. J Supercomput 81, 285 (2025). https://doi.org/10.1007/s11227-024-06500-3
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s11227-024-06500-3