Recognizing and classifying emotions is important. It is key in medicine, transportation, and artificial intelligence. This paper aims to address the problem. The problem is poor emotion classification due to a bad fusion of many modes. It proposes an audio–visual emotion recognition method. It is based on bilayer LSTM and multi-head attention on the RAVDESS dataset. It considers the fusion of voice and facial expression features. The network learns MFCC and facial features. It uses a convolutional layer for MFCC features and a double-layer LSTM for facial features. Then, it fuses the features of both modalities using a multi-head attention module. Finally, it convolves, pools, and splices the learned features for emotion recognition. In our experiments, the accuracy on the public dataset RAVDESS is 82.42%.We got this result using 5-fold cross-validation. Comparison with other methods shows that the method improves audio–visual emotion recognition.

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Jin, Z., Zai, W. Audiovisual emotion recognition based on bi-layer LSTM and multi-head attention mechanism on RAVDESS dataset. J Supercomput 81, 31 (2025). https://doi.org/10.1007/s11227-024-06582-z
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s11227-024-06582-z