Reference-based image super-resolution aims to improve the clarity of input low-resolution (LR) images by leveraging additional high-resolution reference (Ref) images. Although existing methods effectively address the problems associated with super-resolution reconstruction based on reference images, there are still significant challenges in effectively bridging the gap between LR and Ref and enhancing the finesse of texture details. This paper presents MARP-SR, which utilizes attention and residual pooling techniques to bridge their resolution gaps while enhancing texture details. The key innovations include the pooled residual feature enhancement (PRFE) module and the attention extraction feature (AEF) module. PRFE employs residual learning through convolution and pooling to boost texture and salient high-frequency features. AEF utilizes attention mechanisms to extract multi-scale features from LR and Ref images, aligning their resolutions. Experiments on benchmark datasets (CUFED5, Urban100, Manga109, and WR-SR) demonstrate that our proposed MARP-SR achieves state-of-the-art performance, generating more realistic and natural-looking super-resolution results than previous methods.

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Data availability
The CUFED5 dataset was developed by Zhang et al. [54] for training and testing reference-based image super-resolution and is publicly available for download. The WR-SR dataset was developed by Jiang et al. [22] as a benchmark for reference-based image super-resolution and can be downloaded publicly. The Urban100 dataset was developed by Huang et al. [20] for super-resolution benchmarking and is available for public download. The Manga109 dataset was developed by Matsui et al. [36] for super-resolution benchmarking and is available for open download.
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This work is supported by the Sichuan Science and Tech nology program (Grant Nos. 2024YFG0001, 2023ZHCG0018, 2023NSFSC0470, 2020JDTD0020, 2022YFG0026, 2021YFG0018, 2023NSFSC0469) and partially supported by Opening Foundation of Agile and Intelligent Computing Key Laboratory of Sichuan Province and CUIT Science and Technology Innovation Capacity Enhancement Program Project under Grant KYTD202330.
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J.D. (Junkun Du) designed the research methods, conducted experiments, and performed data analysis, providing the primary conceptual framework and experimental support for the entire study. M.W. (Mingqing Wang) assisted in experimental design, collected and processed experimental data, and made contributions to the creation and organization of figures and tables. Xi.W. (Xi Wu) provided critical research background and related work and revised and supplemented the discussion and conclusions sections of the paper. Z.Y. (Zhipeng Yang) assisted in experimental design and provided research suggestions, contributing to the literature review section. X.L. (Xiaojie Li), as one of the corresponding authors, was responsible for writing the main sections of the paper, including the introduction, methods, and results and revised and proofread the entire manuscript. X.W. (Xin Wang), as one of the corresponding authors, provided statistical analysis and interpretation of experimental data and made contributions to the discussion section. All authors reviewed and approved the final version of the manuscript.
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Du, J., Wang, M., Wang, X. et al. Reference-based image super-resolution with attention extraction and pooling of residuals. J Supercomput 81, 240 (2025). https://doi.org/10.1007/s11227-024-06587-8
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s11227-024-06587-8